Vol. 34 No. 10: Issue 10: AAAI-20 Student Tracks
Doctoral Consortium Track
Optimal Auction Based Automated Negotiation in Realistic Decentralised Market Environments
PDFDeveloping a Machine Learning Tool for Dynamic Cancer Treatment Strategies
PDFEfficient Predictive Uncertainty Estimators for Deep Probabilistic Models
PDFExplainability in Autonomous Pedagogical Agents
PDFModeling Dynamic Behaviors within Population
PDFA Reinforcement Learning Approach to Strategic Belief Revelation with Social Influence
PDFHybrid Approaches to Fine-Grained Emotion Detection in Social Media Data
PDFQuantum Probabilistic Models Using Feynman Diagram Rules for Better Understanding the Information Diffusion Dynamics in Online Social Networks
PDFAbstract Constraints for Safe and Robust Robot Learning from Demonstration
PDFModelling a Conversational Agent with Complex Emotional Intelligence
PDFExplainable Agency in Reinforcement Learning Agents
PDFCoalitional Strategic Behaviour in Collective Decision Making
PDFPartial Correlation-Based Attention for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
PDFAbstract Rule Based Pattern Learning with Neural Networks
PDFInterpreting Multimodal Machine Learning Models Trained for Emotion Recognition to Address Robustness and Privacy Concerns
PDFUnderstanding Generalization in Neural Networks for Robustness against Adversarial Vulnerabilities
PDFTowards Adversarially Robust Knowledge Graph Embeddings
Student Abstract Track
Clearing Kidney Exchanges via Graph Neural Network Guided Tree Search (Student Abstract)
PDFFocusing on Detail: Deep Hashing Based on Multiple Region Details (Student Abstract)
PDFHARK: Harshness-Aware Sentiment Analysis Framework for Product Review (Student Abstract)
PDFContention-Aware Mapping and Scheduling Optimization for NoC-Based MPSoCs (Student Abstract)
PDFGenerative Adversarial Imitation Learning from Failed Experiences (Student Abstract)
PDFCombating False Negatives in Adversarial Imitation Learning (Student Abstract)
PDFPosition-Based Social Choice Methods for Intransitive Incomplete Pairwise Vote Sets (Student Abstract)
PDFOptimal Exploration Algorithm of Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Methods (Student Abstract)
PDFCombining Fine-Tuning with a Feature-Based Approach for Aspect Extraction on Reviews (Student Abstract)
PDFHGMAN: Multi-Hop and Multi-Answer Question Answering Based on Heterogeneous Knowledge Graph (Student Abstract)
PDFTopic Enhanced Controllable CVAE for Dialogue Generation (Student Abstract)
PDFNeural Dynamics and Gamma Oscillation on a Hybrid Excitatory-Inhibitory Complex Network (Student Abstract)
PDFSupervised Discovery of Unknown Unknowns through Test Sample Mining (Student Abstract)
PDFFew Sample Learning without Data Storage for Lifelong Stream Mining (Student Abstract)
PDFA Multi-Task Learning Machine Reading Comprehension Model for Noisy Document (Student Abstract)
PDFMulti-Agent/Robot Deep Reinforcement Learning with Macro-Actions (Student Abstract)
PDFMulti-Channel Convolutional Neural Networks with Adversarial Training for Few-Shot Relation Classification (Student Abstract)
PDFBreakdown Detection in Negotiation Dialogues (Student Abstract)
PDFI Know Where You Are Coming From: On the Impact of Social Media Sources on AI Model Performance (Student Abstract)
PDFSession-Level User Satisfaction Prediction for Customer Service Chatbot in E-Commerce (Student Abstract)
PDFDeep Ranking for Style-Aware Room Recommendations (Student Abstract)
PDFInteractive Neural Network: Leveraging Part-of-Speech Window for Aspect Term Extraction (Student Abstract)
PDFDomain Knowledge-Assisted Automatic Diagnosis of Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) Using High Resolution Computed Tomography (HRCT) (Student Abstract)
PDFCancer Treatment Classification with Electronic Medical Health Records (Student Abstract)
PDFLiterature Mining for Incorporating Inductive Bias in Biomedical Prediction Tasks (Student Abstract)
PDFShoreline: Data-Driven Threshold Estimation of Online Reserves of Cryptocurrency Trading Platforms (Student Abstract)
PDFRception: Wide and Deep Interaction Networks for Machine Reading Comprehension (Student Abstract)
PDFLGML: Logic Guided Machine Learning (Student Abstract)
PDFFairness Does Not Imply Satisfaction (Student Abstract)
PDFProviding Uncertainty-Based Advice for Deep Reinforcement Learning Agents (Student Abstract)
PDFSpotFake+: A Multimodal Framework for Fake News Detection via Transfer Learning (Student Abstract)
PDFOn the Hierarchical Information in a Single Contextualised Word Representation (Student Abstract)
PDFBayesian Optimisation for Premise Selection in Automated Theorem Proving (Student Abstract)
PDFUsing Chinese Glyphs for Named Entity Recognition (Student Abstract)
PDFLeakage-Robust Classifier via Mask-Enhanced Training (Student Abstract)
PDFLink Prediction between Group Entities in Knowledge Graphs (Student Abstract)
PDFStructure-Based Drug-Drug Interaction Detection via Expressive Graph Convolutional Networks and Deep Sets (Student Abstract)
PDFSampling Random Chordal Graphs by MCMC (Student Abstract)
PDFKeyphrase Generation for Scientific Articles Using GANs (Student Abstract)
PDFBiologically Inspired Sleep Algorithm for Reducing Catastrophic Forgetting in Neural Networks
PDFImproving First-Order Optimization Algorithms (Student Abstract)
PDFSemantics- and Syntax-Related Subvectors in the Skip-Gram Embeddings (Student Abstract)
PDFRobust Multi-View Representation Learning (Student Abstract)
PDFEmergence of Writing Systems through Multi-Agent Cooperation (Student Abstract)
PDFTowards Interpretable Semantic Segmentation via Gradient-Weighted Class Activation Mapping (Student Abstract)
PDFAction Recognition and State Change Prediction in a Recipe Understanding Task Using a Lightweight Neural Network Model (Student Abstract)
PDFLearning Sense Representation from Word Representation for Unsupervised Word Sense Disambiguation (Student Abstract)
PDFTowards Consistent Variational Auto-Encoding (Student Abstract)
PDFGifting in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (Student Abstract)
PDFSuicide Risk Assessment via Temporal Psycholinguistic Modeling (Student Abstract)
PDFMeta-Learning on Graph with Curvature-Based Analysis (Student Abstract)
PDFRandom Projections and α-Shape to Support the Kernel Design (Student Abstract)
PDFAn Analytical Workflow for Clustering Forensic Images (Student Abstract)
PDFA QSAT Benchmark Based on Vertex-Folkman Problems (Student Abstract)
PDFMUSIC COLLAB: An IoT and ML Based Solution for Remote Music Collaboration (Student Abstract)
PDFTransformer-Capsule Model for Intent Detection (Student Abstract)
PDFHow to Predict Seawater Temperature for Sustainable Marine Aquaculture (Student Abstract)
PDFA Simple Deconvolutional Mechanism for Point Clouds and Sparse Unordered Data (Student Abstract)
PDFPersonalized Prediction of Trust Links in Social Networks (Student Abstract)
PDFVideo Person Re-ID: Fantastic Techniques and Where to Find Them (Student Abstract)
PDFPredicting Students’ Attention Level with Interpretable Facial and Head Dynamic Features in an Online Tutoring System (Student Abstract)
PDFAttribute Noise Robust Binary Classification (Student Abstract)
PDFOpening the Black Box: Automatically Characterizing Software for Algorithm Selection (Student Abstract)
PDFDistill BERT to Traditional Models in Chinese Machine Reading Comprehension (Student Abstract)
PDFKnowBias: Detecting Political Polarity in Long Text Content (Student Abstract)
PDFERLP: Ensembles of Reinforcement Learning Policies (Student Abstract)
PDFA Multi-Task Learning Approach to Sarcasm Detection (Student Abstract)
PDFLeveraging BERT with Mixup for Sentence Classification (Student Abstract)
PDFDetermining the Possibility of Transfer Learning in Deep Reinforcement Learning Using Grad-CAM (Student Abstract)
PDFExploring the Benefits of Depth Information in Object Pixel Masking (Student Abstract)
PDFA Critique of the Smooth Inverse Frequency Sentence Embeddings (Student Abstract)
PDFMultidimensional Analysis of Trust in News Articles (Student Abstract)
PDFAlgorithmic Bias in Recidivism Prediction: A Causal Perspective (Student Abstract)
PDFNew Off-Board Solution for Predicting Vehicles’ Intentions in the Highway On-Ramp Using Probabilistic Classifiers (Student Abstract)
PDFLearning to Classify the Wrong Answers for Multiple Choice Question Answering (Student Abstract)
PDFTask Scoping for Efficient Planning in Open Worlds (Student Abstract)
PDFToward Operational Safety Verification of AI-Enabled CPS (Student Abstract)
PDFBattleNet: Capturing Advantageous Battlefield in RTS Games (Student Abstract)
PDFSubmodel Decomposition for Solving Limited Memory Influence Diagrams (Student Abstract)
PDFWho Are Controlled by The Same User? Multiple Identities Deception Detection via Social Interaction Activity (Student Abstract)
PDFTravel Time Prediction on Un-Monitored Roads: A Spatial Factorization Machine Based Approach (Student Abstract)
PDFSelecting Portfolios Directly Using Recurrent Reinforcement Learning (Student Abstract)
PDFTowards Minimal Supervision BERT-Based Grammar Error Correction (Student Abstract)
PDFAdabot: Fault-Tolerant Java Decompiler (Student Abstract)
PDFConstrained Self-Supervised Clustering for Discovering New Intents (Student Abstract)
PDFGenerating Engaging Promotional Videos for E-commerce Platforms (Student Abstract)
PDFBayesian Adversarial Attack on Graph Neural Networks (Student Abstract)
PDFI Am Guessing You Can’t Recognize This: Generating Adversarial Images for Object Detection Using Spatial Commonsense (Student Abstract)
PDFVECA: A Method for Detecting Overfitting in Neural Networks (Student Abstract)
PDFDoes Speech Enhancement of Publicly Available Data Help Build Robust Speech Recognition Systems? (Student Abstract)
PDFAn Automatic Shoplifting Detection from Surveillance Videos (Student Abstract)
PDFESAS: Towards Practical and Explainable Short Answer Scoring (Student Abstract)
PDFModeling Involuntary Dynamic Behaviors to Support Intelligent Tutoring (Student Abstract)
PDFHypergraph Convolutional Network for Multi-Hop Knowledge Base Question Answering (Student Abstract)
PDFTrimodal Attention Module for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis (Student Abstract)
PDFAction Graphs for Goal Recognition Problems with Inaccurate Initial States (Student Abstract)
PDFA Bias Trick for Centered Robust Principal Component Analysis (Student Abstract)
PDFInception LSTM for Next-frame Video Prediction (Student Abstract)
PDFMulti-View Deep Attention Network for Reinforcement Learning (Student Abstract)
PDFStreaming Batch Gradient Tracking for Neural Network Training (Student Abstract)
PDFSelf-Supervised, Semi-Supervised, Multi-Context Learning for the Combined Classification and Segmentation of Medical Images (Student Abstract)
PDFA Multi-Task Approach to Open Domain Suggestion Mining (Student Abstract)
PDFThird-Person Imitation Learning via Image Difference and Variational Discriminator Bottleneck (Student Abstract)
PDFAutomatic Text-Based Personality Recognition on Monologues and Multiparty Dialogues Using Attentive Networks and Contextual Embeddings (Student Abstract)
PDFIncremental Sense Weight Training for In-Depth Interpretation of Contextualized Word Embeddings (Student Abstract)
PDFLearning Directional Sentence-Pair Embedding for Natural Language Reasoning (Student Abstract)
PDFRe-Thinking LiDAR-Stereo Fusion Frameworks (Student Abstract)
PDFAn Iterative Approach for Identifying Complaint Based Tweets in Social Media Platforms (Student Abstract)
PDFEntity Type Enhanced Neural Model for Distantly Supervised Relation Extraction (Student Abstract)
PDFAnalysis of Parliamentary Debate Transcripts Using Community-Based Graphical Approaches (Student Abstract)
PDFComplex Emotional Intelligence Learning Using Deep Neural Networks (Student Abstract)
PDFImproving Semantic Parsing Using Statistical Word Sense Disambiguation (Student Abstract)
PDFTowards an Integrative Educational Recommender for Lifelong Learners (Student Abstract)
PDFIterative Learning for Reliable Underwater Link Adaptation (Student Abstract)
PDFSATNet: Symmetric Adversarial Transfer Network Based on Two-Level Alignment Strategy towards Cross-Domain Sentiment Classification (Student Abstract)
PDFCORAL-DMOEA: Correlation Alignment-Based Information Transfer for Dynamic Multi-Objective Optimization (Student Abstract)
PDFOptimizing the Feature Selection Process for Better Accuracy in Datasets with a Large Number of Features (Student Abstract)
PDFRPM-Oriented Query Rewriting Framework for E-commerce Keyword-Based Sponsored Search (Student Abstract)
PDFLearning to Model Opponent Learning (Student Abstract)
PDFWhen Low Resource NLP Meets Unsupervised Language Model: Meta-Pretraining then Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Text Classification (Student Abstract)
PDFEfficient Spatial-Temporal Rebalancing of Shareable Bikes (Student Abstract)
PDFHierarchical Average Reward Policy Gradient Algorithms (Student Abstract)
PDFMulti-Agent Pattern Formation with Deep Reinforcement Learning (Student Abstract)
PDFAmerican Sign Language Recognition Using an FMCW Wireless Sensor (Student Abstract)
PDFSearch Tree Pruning for Progressive Neural Architecture Search (Student Abstract)
PDFExploring Abstract Concepts for Image Privacy Prediction in Social Networks (Student Abstract)
PDFPredicting Opioid Overdose Crude Rates with Text-Based Twitter Features (Student Abstract)
PDFSample Complexity Bounds for RNNs with Application to Combinatorial Graph Problems (Student Abstract)
PDFLatRec: Recognizing Goals in Latent Space (Student Abstract)