Vol. 34 No. 07: AAAI-20 Technical Tracks 7
AAAI Technical Track: Vision
Unified Vision-Language Pre-Training for Image Captioning and VQA
PDFLadder Loss for Coherent Visual-Semantic Embedding
PDFGenerate, Segment, and Refine: Towards Generic Manipulation Segmentation
PDFMotion-Attentive Transition for Zero-Shot Video Object Segmentation
PDFWhen AWGN-Based Denoiser Meets Real Noises
PDFMulti-Type Self-Attention Guided Degraded Saliency Detection
PDFTowards Omni-Supervised Face Alignment for Large Scale Unlabeled Videos
PDFFASTER Recurrent Networks for Efficient Video Classification
PDFEEMEFN: Low-Light Image Enhancement via Edge-Enhanced Multi-Exposure Fusion Network
PDFViewpoint-Aware Loss with Angular Regularization for Person Re-Identification
PDFiFAN: Image-Instance Full Alignment Networks for Adaptive Object Detection
PDFLearning Attentive Pairwise Interaction for Fine-Grained Classification
PDFSingle Camera Training for Person Re-Identification
PDFMulti-Instance Multi-Label Action Recognition and Localization Based on Spatio-Temporal Pre-Trimming for Untrimmed Videos
PDFFACT: Fused Attention for Clothing Transfer with Generative Adversarial Networks
PDFFind Objects and Focus on Highlights: Mining Object Semantics for Video Highlight Detection via Graph Neural Networks
PDFWhen Radiology Report Generation Meets Knowledge Graph
PDFExploiting Motion Information from Unlabeled Videos for Static Image Action Recognition
PDFAdaptive Unimodal Cost Volume Filtering for Deep Stereo Matching
PDFFully Convolutional Network for Consistent Voxel-Wise Correspondence
PDFZero-Shot Sketch-Based Image Retrieval via Graph Convolution Network
PDFJSNet: Joint Instance and Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds
PDFSpherical Criteria for Fast and Accurate 360° Object Detection
PDFGTNet: Generative Transfer Network for Zero-Shot Object Detection
PDFMulti-Source Distilling Domain Adaptation
PDFMemCap: Memorizing Style Knowledge for Image Captioning
PDFDistance-IoU Loss: Faster and Better Learning for Bounding Box Regression
PDFRandom Erasing Data Augmentation
PDFSpatial-Temporal Multi-Cue Network for Continuous Sign Language Recognition
PDFDiscriminative and Robust Online Learning for Siamese Visual Tracking
PDFDeep Domain-Adversarial Image Generation for Domain Generalisation
PDFProgressive Bi-C3D Pose Grammar for Human Pose Estimation
PDFPointwise Rotation-Invariant Network with Adaptive Sampling and 3D Spherical Voxel Convolution
PDFCascading Convolutional Color Constancy
PDFRegion Normalization for Image Inpainting
PDFPatchy Image Structure Classification Using Multi-Orientation Region Transform
PDFHuman Synthesis and Scene Compositing
PDFRealistic Face Reenactment via Self-Supervised Disentangling of Identity and Pose
PDFReliability Does Matter: An End-to-End Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation Approach
PDFShape-Oriented Convolution Neural Network for Point Cloud Analysis
PDFWeb-Supervised Network with Softly Update-Drop Training for Fine-Grained Visual Classification
PDFFDN: Feature Decoupling Network for Head Pose Estimation
PDFRethinking the Image Fusion: A Fast Unified Image Fusion Network based on Proportional Maintenance of Gradient and Intensity
PDFModel Watermarking for Image Processing Networks
PDFDeep Object Co-Segmentation via Spatial-Semantic Network Modulation
PDFPixel-Aware Deep Function-Mixture Network for Spectral Super-Resolution
PDFRIS-GAN: Explore Residual and Illumination with Generative Adversarial Networks for Shadow Removal
PDF3D Crowd Counting via Multi-View Fusion with 3D Gaussian Kernels
PDFDeep Camouflage Images
PDFAutoRemover: Automatic Object Removal for Autonomous Driving Videos
PDFKnowledge Integration Networks for Action Recognition
PDFLearning 2D Temporal Adjacent Networks for Moment Localization with Natural Language
PDFZoomNet: Part-Aware Adaptive Zooming Neural Network for 3D Object Detection
PDFShape-Aware Organ Segmentation by Predicting Signed Distance Maps
PDFFAS-Net: Construct Effective Features Adaptively for Multi-Scale Object Detection
PDFGated Convolutional Networks with Hybrid Connectivity for Image Classification
PDFMining on Heterogeneous Manifolds for Zero-Shot Cross-Modal Image Retrieval
PDFAsymmetric Co-Teaching for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification
PDFLearning to Incorporate Structure Knowledge for Image Inpainting
PDFAn Adversarial Perturbation Oriented Domain Adaptation Approach for Semantic Segmentation
PDFFAN-Face: a Simple Orthogonal Improvement to Deep Face Recognition
PDFTowards Scale-Free Rain Streak Removal via Self-Supervised Fractal Band Learning
PDFSOGNet: Scene Overlap Graph Network for Panoptic Segmentation
PDFRelease the Power of Online-Training for Robust Visual Tracking
PDFContext-Transformer: Tackling Object Confusion for Few-Shot Detection
PDFSM-NAS: Structural-to-Modular Neural Architecture Search for Object Detection
PDFDeep Discriminative CNN with Temporal Ensembling for Ambiguously-Labeled Image Classification
PDFObject-Guided Instance Segmentation for Biological Images
PDFLeveraging Multi-View Image Sets for Unsupervised Intrinsic Image Decomposition and Highlight Separation
PDFJoint Super-Resolution and Alignment of Tiny Faces
PDFFacial Action Unit Intensity Estimation via Semantic Correspondence Learning with Dynamic Graph Convolution
PDFCross-Modality Attention with Semantic Graph Embedding for Multi-Label Classification
PDFDistraction-Aware Feature Learning for Human Attribute Recognition via Coarse-to-Fine Attention Mechanism
PDFPatch Proposal Network for Fast Semantic Segmentation of High-Resolution Images
PDFSalSAC: A Video Saliency Prediction Model with Shuffled Attentions and Correlation-Based ConvLSTM
PDFRecognizing Instagram Filtered Images with Feature De-Stylization
PDFConvolutional Hierarchical Attention Network for Query-Focused Video Summarization
PDFAdversarial Learning of Privacy-Preserving and Task-Oriented Representations
PDFMotion-Based Generator Model: Unsupervised Disentanglement of Appearance, Trackable and Intrackable Motions in Dynamic Patterns
PDFSegmenting Medical MRI via Recurrent Decoding Cell
PDFPI-RCNN: An Efficient Multi-Sensor 3D Object Detector with Point-Based Attentive Cont-Conv Fusion Module
PDFVideo Face Super-Resolution with Motion-Adaptive Feedback Cell
PDFFacial Attribute Capsules for Noise Face Super Resolution
PDFFusionDN: A Unified Densely Connected Network for Image Fusion
PDFUniversal-RCNN: Universal Object Detector via Transferable Graph R-CNN
PDFGeometry Sharing Network for 3D Point Cloud Classification and Segmentation
PDFLearning Inverse Depth Regression for Multi-View Stereo with Correlation Cost Volume
PDFPlanar Prior Assisted PatchMatch Multi-View Stereo
PDFA Proposal-Based Approach for Activity Image-to-Video Retrieval
PDFGDFace: Gated Deformation for Multi-View Face Image Synthesis
PDFCF-LSTM: Cascaded Feature-Based Long Short-Term Networks for Predicting Pedestrian Trajectory
PDFSiamFC++: Towards Robust and Accurate Visual Tracking with Target Estimation Guidelines
PDFConsistent Video Style Transfer via Compound Regularization
PDFMis-Classified Vector Guided Softmax Loss for Face Recognition
PDFSymbiotic Attention with Privileged Information for Egocentric Action Recognition
PDFTask-Aware Monocular Depth Estimation for 3D Object Detection
PDFMulti-Label Classification with Label Graph Superimposing
PDFPruning from Scratch
PDFLearning Diverse Stochastic Human-Action Generators by Learning Smooth Latent Transitions
PDFGraph-Propagation Based Correlation Learning for Weakly Supervised Fine-Grained Image Classification
PDFLocalize, Assemble, and Predicate: Contextual Object Proposal Embedding for Visual Relation Detection
PDFEFANet: Exchangeable Feature Alignment Network for Arbitrary Style Transfer
PDFAdaptive Cross-Modal Embeddings for Image-Text Alignment
PDFFÂłNet: Fusion, Feedback and Focus for Salient Object Detection
PDF3D Single-Person Concurrent Activity Detection Using Stacked Relation Network
PDFHeuristic Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Video Recognition Models
PDFEfficient Querying from Weighted Binary Codes
PDFOnline Hashing with Efficient Updating of Binary Codes
PDFTracklet Self-Supervised Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
PDFCircleNet for Hip Landmark Detection
PDF3D Human Pose Estimation via Explicit Compositional Depth Maps
PDFTree-Structured Policy Based Progressive Reinforcement Learning for Temporally Language Grounding in Video
PDFV-PROM: A Benchmark for Visual Reasoning Using Visual Progressive Matrices
PDFEnd-to-End Thorough Body Perception for Person Search
PDFDifferentiable Meta-Learning Model for Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation
PDFAttention-Based View Selection Networks for Light-Field Disparity Estimation
PDFImage Cropping with Composition and Saliency Aware Aesthetic Score Map
PDFOptical Flow in Deep Visual Tracking
PDFTextScanner: Reading Characters in Order for Robust Scene Text Recognition
PDFProgressive Feature Polishing Network for Salient Object Detection
PDFRegion-Based Global Reasoning Networks
PDFCross-Modality Paired-Images Generation for RGB-Infrared Person Re-Identification
PDFContext Modulated Dynamic Networks for Actor and Action Video Segmentation with Language Queries
PDFAll You Need Is Boundary: Toward Arbitrary-Shaped Text Spotting
PDFTemporally Grounding Language Queries in Videos by Contextual Boundary-Aware Prediction
PDFShow, Recall, and Tell: Image Captioning with Recall Mechanism
PDFPOST: POlicy-Based Switch Tracking
PDFSparsity-Inducing Binarized Neural Networks
PDFMulti-Speaker Video Dialog with Frame-Level Temporal Localization
PDFRDSNet: A New Deep Architecture forReciprocal Object Detection and Instance Segmentation
PDFDecoupled Attention Network for Text Recognition
PDFOne-Shot Learning for Long-Tail Visual Relation Detection
PDFFFA-Net: Feature Fusion Attention Network for Single Image Dehazing
PDFLearning Meta Model for Zero- and Few-Shot Face Anti-Spoofing
PDFDGCN: Dynamic Graph Convolutional Network for Efficient Multi-Person Pose Estimation
PDFImproved Visual-Semantic Alignment for Zero-Shot Object Detection
PDFDynamic Graph Representation for Occlusion Handling in Biometrics
PDFConquering the CNN Over-Parameterization Dilemma: A Volterra Filtering Approach for Action Recognition
PDFHidden Trigger Backdoor Attacks
PDFTemporal Interlacing Network
PDFRegularized Fine-Grained Meta Face Anti-Spoofing
PDFMultimodal Interaction-Aware Trajectory Prediction in Crowded Space
PDFOptimal Feature Transport for Cross-View Image Geo-Localization
PDFIdentifying Model Weakness with Adversarial Examiner
PDFEfficient Residual Dense Block Search for Image Super-Resolution
PDFKPNet: Towards Minimal Face Detector
PDFMulti-Spectral Salient Object Detection by Adversarial Domain Adaptation
PDFStereoscopic Image Super-Resolution with Stereo Consistent Feature
PDFAn Efficient Framework for Dense Video Captioning
PDFFine-Grained Recognition: Accounting for Subtle Differences between Similar Classes
PDFRelation-Aware Pedestrian Attribute Recognition with Graph Convolutional Networks
PDFR²MRF: Defocus Blur Detection via Recurrently Refining Multi-Scale Residual Features
PDFFine-Grained Fashion Similarity Learning by Attribute-Specific Embedding Network
PDFDomain Generalization Using a Mixture of Multiple Latent Domains
PDFHigh-Order Residual Network for Light Field Super-Resolution
PDFShallow Feature Based Dense Attention Network for Crowd Counting
PDFLearning to Follow Directions in Street View
PDFPyramid Attention Aggregation Network for Semantic Segmentation of Surgical Instruments
PDFSpatial-Temporal Gaussian Scale Mixture Modeling for Foreground Estimation
PDFCrowd Counting with Decomposed Uncertainty
PDFImage Formation Model Guided Deep Image Super-Resolution
PDFAdversarial Cross-Domain Action Recognition with Co-Attention
PDFFurther Understanding Videos through Adverbs: A New Video Task
PDFVisual Dialogue State Tracking for Question Generation
PDFRelation Network for Person Re-Identification
PDFExplanation vs Attention: A Two-Player Game to Obtain Attention for VQA
PDFLCD: Learned Cross-Domain Descriptors for 2D-3D Matching
PDFExploit and Replace: An Asymmetrical Two-Stream Architecture for Versatile Light Field Saliency Detection
PDFDifferentiable Grammars for Videos
PDFRegion-Adaptive Dense Network for Efficient Motion Deblurring
PDFVisualizing Deep Networks by Optimizing with Integrated Gradients
PDFText Perceptron: Towards End-to-End Arbitrary-Shaped Text Spotting
PDFLearned Video Compression via Joint Spatial-Temporal Correlation Exploration
PDFInteractive Dual Generative Adversarial Networks for Image Captioning
PDFMorphing and Sampling Network for Dense Point Cloud Completion
PDFMulti-Task Driven Feature Models for Thermal Infrared Tracking
PDFProgressive Boundary Refinement Network for Temporal Action Detection
PDFA Generalized Framework for Edge-Preserving and Structure-Preserving Image Smoothing
PDFImportance-Aware Semantic Segmentation in Self-Driving with Discrete Wasserstein Training
PDFA New Dataset and Boundary-Attention Semantic Segmentation for Face Parsing
PDFLearning Cross-Modal Context Graph for Visual Grounding
PDFCBNet: A Novel Composite Backbone Network Architecture for Object Detection
PDFSeparate in Latent Space: Unsupervised Single Image Layer Separation
PDFTEINet: Towards an Efficient Architecture for Video Recognition
PDFTANet: Robust 3D Object Detection from Point Clouds with Triple Attention
PDFTraining-Time-Friendly Network for Real-Time Object Detection
PDFHybrid Graph Neural Networks for Crowd Counting
PDFVideo Cloze Procedure for Self-Supervised Spatio-Temporal Learning
PDFContext-Aware Zero-Shot Recognition
PDFLearning Saliency-Free Model with Generic Features for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
PDFAn Integrated Enhancement Solution for 24-Hour Colorful Imaging
PDFA Variational Autoencoder with Deep Embedding Model for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
PDFGated Fully Fusion for Semantic Segmentation
PDFScaleNet – Improve CNNs through Recursively Rescaling Objects
PDFRelation-Guided Spatial Attention and Temporal Refinement for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
PDFGeometry-Driven Self-Supervised Method for 3D Human Pose Estimation
PDFNatural Image Matting via Guided Contextual Attention
PDFLearning Transferable Adversarial Examples via Ghost Networks
PDFFinding Action Tubes with a Sparse-to-Dense Framework
PDFReal-Time Scene Text Detection with Differentiable Binarization
PDFObject Instance Mining for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
PDFMultimodal Structure-Consistent Image-to-Image Translation
PDFFast Learning of Temporal Action Proposal via Dense Boundary Generator
PDFLearning to Transfer: Unsupervised Domain Translation via Meta-Learning
PDFLearning Cross-Aligned Latent Embeddings for Zero-Shot Cross-Modal Retrieval
PDFLearning to Deblur Face Images via Sketch Synthesis
PDFSelf-Attention ConvLSTM for Spatiotemporal Prediction
PDFWeakly-Supervised Video Moment Retrieval via Semantic Completion Network
PDFZero-Shot Learning from Adversarial Feature Residual to Compact Visual Feature
PDFFiltration and Distillation: Enhancing Region Attention for Fine-Grained Visual Categorization
PDFHAL: Improved Text-Image Matching by Mitigating Visual Semantic Hubs
PDFFederated Learning for Vision-and-Language Grounding Problems
PDFMULE: Multimodal Universal Language Embedding
PDFREST: Performance Improvement of a Black Box Model via RL-Based Spatial Transformation
PDFSpiking-YOLO: Spiking Neural Network for Energy-Efficient Object Detection
PDFFISR: Deep Joint Frame Interpolation and Super-Resolution with a Multi-Scale Temporal Loss
PDFJSI-GAN: GAN-Based Joint Super-Resolution and Inverse Tone-Mapping with Pixel-Wise Task-Specific Filters for UHD HDR Video
PDFUnpaired Image Enhancement Featuring Reinforcement-Learning-Controlled Image Editing Software
PDFAdversary for Social Good: Protecting Familial Privacy through Joint Adversarial Attacks
PDFKinematic-Structure-Preserved Representation for Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation
PDFBackground Suppression Network for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
PDFMulti-Question Learning for Visual Question Answering
PDFUnicoder-VL: A Universal Encoder for Vision and Language by Cross-Modal Pre-Training
PDFMulti-Spectral Vehicle Re-Identification: A Challenge
PDFSimple Pose: Rethinking and Improving a Bottom-up Approach for Multi-Person Pose Estimation
PDFLearning Part Generation and Assembly for Structure-Aware Shape Synthesis
PDFHierarchical Knowledge Squeezed Adversarial Network Compression
PDFAge Progression and Regression with Spatial Attention Modules
PDFDomain Conditioned Adaptation Network
PDFAppearance and Motion Enhancement for Video-Based Person Re-Identification
PDFAttention-Based Multi-Modal Fusion Network for Semantic Scene Completion
PDFOVL: One-View Learning for Human Retrieval
PDFElixirNet: Relation-Aware Network Architecture Adaptation for Medical Lesion Detection
PDFDivide and Conquer: Question-Guided Spatio-Temporal Contextual Attention for Video Question Answering
PDFReasoning with Heterogeneous Graph Alignment for Video Question Answering
PDFRecurrent Nested Model for Sequence Generation
PDFDualVD: An Adaptive Dual Encoding Model for Deep Visual Understanding in Visual Dialogue
PDFRethinking Temporal Fusion for Video-Based Person Re-Identification on Semantic and Time Aspect
PDFLearning Light Field Angular Super-Resolution via a Geometry-Aware Network
PDFEAC-Net: Efficient and Accurate Convolutional Network for Video Recognition
PDFSSAH: Semi-Supervised Adversarial Deep Hashing with Self-Paced Hard Sample Generation
PDFUncertainty-Aware Multi-Shot Knowledge Distillation for Image-Based Object Re-Identification
PDFSemantics-Aligned Representation Learning for Person Re-Identification
PDFOvercoming Language Priors in VQA via Decomposed Linguistic Representations
PDFPose-Guided Multi-Granularity Attention Network for Text-Based Person Search
PDFAssociative Variational Auto-Encoder with Distributed Latent Spaces and Associators
PDFReal-Time Object Tracking via Meta-Learning: Efficient Model Adaptation and One-Shot Channel Pruning
PDFHide-and-Tell: Learning to Bridge Photo Streams for Visual Storytelling
PDFSynthetic Depth Transfer for Monocular 3D Object Pose Estimation in the Wild
PDFGroup-Wise Dynamic Dropout Based on Latent Semantic Variations
PDFDeep Generative Probabilistic Graph Neural Networks for Scene Graph Generation
PDFTell Me What They’re Holding: Weakly-Supervised Object Detection with Transferable Knowledge from Human-Object Interaction
PDFTensor FISTA-Net for Real-Time Snapshot Compressive Imaging
PDFTemporal Context Enhanced Feature Aggregation for Video Object Detection
PDFGrapy-ML: Graph Pyramid Mutual Learning for Cross-Dataset Human Parsing
PDFSoftmax Dissection: Towards Understanding Intra- and Inter-Class Objective for Embedding Learning
PDFRoadTagger: Robust Road Attribute Inference with Graph Neural Networks
PDFJoint Commonsense and Relation Reasoning for Image and Video Captioning
PDFHierarchical Modes Exploring in Generative Adversarial Networks
PDFSPSTracker: Sub-Peak Suppression of Response Map for Robust Object Tracking
PDF3D Shape Completion with Multi-View Consistent Inference
PDFGTC: Guided Training of CTC towards Efficient and Accurate Scene Text Recognition
PDFCoarse-to-Fine Hyper-Prior Modeling for Learned Image Compression
PDFLocation-Aware Graph Convolutional Networks for Video Question Answering
PDFUnsupervised Deep Learning via Affinity Diffusion
PDFGlobalTrack: A Simple and Strong Baseline for Long-Term Tracking
PDFPart-Level Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
PDFRelational Prototypical Network for Weakly Supervised Temporal Action Localization
PDFAWR: Adaptive Weighting Regression for 3D Hand Pose Estimation
PDFDomain Adaptive Attention Learning for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
PDFWeakly-Supervised Video Re-Localization with Multiscale Attention Model
PDFSGAP-Net: Semantic-Guided Attentive Prototypes Network for Few-Shot Human-Object Interaction Recognition
PDFScale-Wise Convolution for Image Restoration
PDFEHSOD: CAM-Guided End-to-End Hybrid-Supervised Object Detection with Cascade Refinement
PDFAdversarial Attack on Deep Product Quantization Network for Image Retrieval
PDFDynamic Sampling Network for Semantic Segmentation
PDFUltrafast Video Attention Prediction with Coupled Knowledge Distillation
PDFAccurate Temporal Action Proposal Generation with Relation-Aware Pyramid Network
PDFChannel Interaction Networks for Fine-Grained Image Categorization
PDFKnowIT VQA: Answering Knowledge-Based Questions about Videos
PDFDeep Reinforcement Learning for Active Human Pose Estimation
PDFLook One and More: Distilling Hybrid Order Relational Knowledge for Cross-Resolution Image Recognition
PDFSymmetrical Synthesis for Deep Metric Learning
PDFFLNet: Landmark Driven Fetching and Learning Network for Faithful Talking Facial Animation Synthesis
PDFPyramid Constrained Self-Attention Network for Fast Video Salient Object Detection
PDFConstructing Multiple Tasks for Augmentation: Improving Neural Image Classification with K-Means Features
PDFChannel Pruning Guided by Classification Loss and Feature Importance
PDFMarioNETte: Few-Shot Face Reenactment Preserving Identity of Unseen Targets
PDFSADA: Semantic Adversarial Diagnostic Attacks for Autonomous Applications
PDFRobust Conditional GAN from Uncertainty-Aware Pairwise Comparisons
PDFComplementary-View Multiple Human Tracking
PDFPoint2Node: Correlation Learning of Dynamic-Node for Point Cloud Feature Modeling
PDFVideo Frame Interpolation via Deformable Separable Convolution
PDFCSPN++: Learning Context and Resource Aware Convolutional Spatial Propagation Networks for Depth Completion
PDFA Coarse-to-Fine Adaptive Network for Appearance-Based Gaze Estimation
PDF3D Human Pose Estimation Using Spatio-Temporal Networks with Explicit Occlusion Training
PDFPedHunter: Occlusion Robust Pedestrian Detector in Crowded Scenes
PDFRelational Learning for Joint Head and Human Detection
PDFVisual Domain Adaptation by Consensus-Based Transfer to Intermediate Domain
PDFChannel Attention Is All You Need for Video Frame Interpolation
PDFDASOT: A Unified Framework Integrating Data Association and Single Object Tracking for Online Multi-Object Tracking
PDFTowards Ghost-Free Shadow Removal via Dual Hierarchical Aggregation Network and Shadow Matting GAN
PDFThe Missing Data Encoder: Cross-Channel Image Completion with Hide-and-Seek Adversarial Network
PDFSpatio-Temporal Deformable Convolution for Compressed Video Quality Enhancement
PDFZero Shot Learning with the Isoperimetric Loss
PDFEvery Frame Counts: Joint Learning of Video Segmentation and Optical Flow
PDFCycle-CNN for Colorization towards Real Monochrome-Color Camera Systems
PDFFD-GAN: Generative Adversarial Networks with Fusion-Discriminator for Single Image Dehazing
PDFVisual Relationship Detection with Low Rank Non-Negative Tensor Decomposition
PDFSubSpace Capsule Network
PDFPerson Tube Retrieval via Language Description
PDFCIAN: Cross-Image Affinity Net for Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation
PDFUltrafast Photorealistic Style Transfer via Neural Architecture Search
PDFPsyNet: Self-Supervised Approach to Object Localization Using Point Symmetric Transformation
PDFDetecting Human-Object Interactions via Functional Generalization
PDFIncremental Multi-Domain Learning with Network Latent Tensor Factorization
PDFMonocular 3D Object Detection with Decoupled Structured Polygon Estimation and Height-Guided Depth Estimation
PDFAuto-GAN: Self-Supervised Collaborative Learning for Medical Image Synthesis
PDFFeature Deformation Meta-Networks in Image Captioning of Novel Objects
PDFGeneral Partial Label Learning via Dual Bipartite Graph Autoencoder
PDFLearning Deep Relations to Promote Saliency Detection
PDFHierarchical Online Instance Matching for Person Search
PDFBinarized Neural Architecture Search
PDFEnd-to-End Learning of Object Motion Estimation from Retinal Events for Event-Based Object Tracking
PDFZero-Shot Ingredient Recognition by Multi-Relational Graph Convolutional Network
PDFRethinking the Bottom-Up Framework for Query-Based Video Localization
PDFDiversity Transfer Network for Few-Shot Learning
PDFStructure-Aware Feature Fusion for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation
PDFKnowledge Graph Transfer Network for Few-Shot Recognition
PDFExpressing Objects Just Like Words: Recurrent Visual Embedding for Image-Text Matching
PDFFrame-Guided Region-Aligned Representation for Video Person Re-Identification
PDFGlobal Context-Aware Progressive Aggregation Network for Salient Object Detection
PDFLearning End-to-End Scene Flow by Distilling Single Tasks Knowledge