No. 5: AAAI-22 Technical Tracks 5
AAAI Technical Track on Game Theory and Economic Paradigms
Planning with Participation Constraints
PDFPageRank for Edges: Axiomatic Characterization
PDFSafe Subgame Resolving for Extensive Form Correlated Equilibrium
PDFThe Semi-random Likelihood of Doctrinal Paradoxes
PDFIs There a Strongest Die in a Set of Dice with the Same Mean Pips?
PDFChoices Are Not Independent: Stackelberg Security Games with Nested Quantal Response Models
PDFStrictly Proper Contract Functions Can Be Arbitrage-Free
PDFCharacterization of Incentive Compatibility of an Ex-ante Constrained Player
PDFOnline Elicitation of Necessarily Optimal Matchings
PDFGeneralized Dynamic Cognitive Hierarchy Models for Strategic Driving Behavior
PDFProportional Public Decisions
PDFOnline Task Assignment Problems with Reusable Resources
PDFIterative Calculus of Voting under Plurality
PDFCoordinating Followers to Reach Better Equilibria: End-to-End Gradient Descent for Stackelberg Games
PDFMulti-Unit Auction in Social Networks with Budgets
PDFThe Strange Role of Information Asymmetry in Auctions—Does More Accurate Value Estimation Benefit a Bidder?
PDFAutoCFR: Learning to Design Counterfactual Regret Minimization Algorithms
PDFTeam Correlated Equilibria in Zero-Sum Extensive-Form Games via Tree Decompositions
PDFImproved Maximin Guarantees for Subadditive and Fractionally Subadditive Fair Allocation Problem
PDFTwo-Price Equilibrium
PDFAlgorithmic Bayesian Persuasion with Combinatorial Actions
PDFBayesian Persuasion in Sequential Decision-Making
PDFHedonic Diversity Games: A Complexity Picture with More than Two Colors
PDFFair and Efficient Allocations of Chores under Bivalued Preferences
PDFSecretary Matching with Vertex Arrivals and No Rejections
PDFMachine-Learned Prediction Equilibrium for Dynamic Traffic Assignment
PDFMulti-Leader Congestion Games with an Adversary
PDFApproval-Based Committee Voting under Incomplete Information
PDFReforming an Envy-Free Matching
PDFThe Complexity of Proportionality Degree in Committee Elections
PDFWorst-Case Voting When the Stakes Are High
PDFFast Payoff Matrix Sparsification Techniques for Structured Extensive-Form Games
PDFThe Complexity of Subelection Isomorphism Problems
PDFThe Price of Justified Representation
PDFComplexity of Deliberative Coalition Formation
PDFHeterogeneous Facility Location with Limited Resources
PDFPizza Sharing Is PPA-Hard
PDFWeighted Fairness Notions for Indivisible Items Revisited
PDFSignaling in Posted Price Auctions
PDFTheory of and Experiments on Minimally Invasive Stability Preservation in Changing Two-Sided Matching Markets
PDFOn Improving Resource Allocations by Sharing
PDFCombating Collusion Rings Is Hard but Possible
PDFSequential Blocked Matching
PDFAlmost Full EFX Exists for Four Agents
PDFThe Secretary Problem with Competing Employers on Random Edge Arrivals
PDFTruthful Cake Sharing
PDFTruthful and Fair Mechanisms for Matroid-Rank Valuations
PDFUniversal and Tight Online Algorithms for Generalized-Mean Welfare
PDFFair and Truthful Giveaway Lotteries
PDFDimensionality and Coordination in Voting: The Distortion of STV
PDFA Calculus for Computing Structured Justifications for Election Outcomes
PDFSingle-Agent Dynamics in Additively Separable Hedonic Games
PDFLiquid Democracy with Ranked Delegations
PDFIndividual Representation in Approval-Based Committee Voting
PDFThe Metric Distortion of Multiwinner Voting
PDFA Little Charity Guarantees Fair Connected Graph Partitioning
PDFTruthful Aggregation of Budget Proposals with Proportionality Guarantees
PDFThe Complexity of Learning Approval-Based Multiwinner Voting Rules
PDFEfficiency of Ad Auctions with Price Displaying
PDFAn Algorithmic Introduction to Savings Circles
PDFTruth-Tracking via Approval Voting: Size Matters
PDFMaximizing Nash Social Welfare in 2-Value Instances
PDFLocally Fair Partitioning
AAAI Technical Track on Humans and AI
Explain, Edit, and Understand: Rethinking User Study Design for Evaluating Model Explanations
PDFRole of Human-AI Interaction in Selective Prediction
PDFHow General-Purpose Is a Language Model? Usefulness and Safety with Human Prompters in the Wild
PDFAdversarial Learning from Crowds
PDFFOCUS: Flexible Optimizable Counterfactual Explanations for Tree Ensembles
PDFTeaching Humans When to Defer to a Classifier via Exemplars
PDFDeceptive Decision-Making under Uncertainty
PDFOn Optimizing Interventions in Shared Autonomy
PDFOpen Vocabulary Electroencephalography-to-Text Decoding and Zero-Shot Sentiment Classification
PDFDeepVisualInsight: Time-Travelling Visualization for Spatio-Temporal Causality of Deep Classification Training
PDFWhen Facial Expression Recognition Meets Few-Shot Learning: A Joint and Alternate Learning Framework
PDF“I Don’t Think So”: Summarizing Policy Disagreements for Agent Comparison
AAAI Technical Track on Intelligent Robotics
Discovering State and Action Abstractions for Generalized Task and Motion Planning
PDFRecurrent Neural Network Controllers Synthesis with Stability Guarantees for Partially Observed Systems
PDFRandom Mapping Method for Large-Scale Terrain Modeling
PDFConservative and Adaptive Penalty for Model-Based Safe Reinforcement Learning
PDFCTIN: Robust Contextual Transformer Network for Inertial Navigation
PDFMonocular Camera-Based Point-Goal Navigation by Learning Depth Channel and Cross-Modality Pyramid Fusion
PDFRobust Adversarial Reinforcement Learning with Dissipation Inequation Constraint
PDFSim2Real Object-Centric Keypoint Detection and Description
AAAI Technical Track on Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
Characterizing the Program Expressive Power of Existential Rule Languages
PDFUsing Conditional Independence for Belief Revision
PDFWeighted Model Counting in FO2 with Cardinality Constraints and Counting Quantifiers: A Closed Form Formula
PDFTempoQR: Temporal Question Reasoning over Knowledge Graphs
PDFCompilation of Aggregates in ASP Systems
PDFPrevailing in the Dark: Information Walls in Strategic Games
PDFKnowledge Compilation Meets Logical Separability
PDFPropositional Encodings of Acyclicity and Reachability by Using Vertex Elimination
PDFRandom vs. Best-First: Impact of Sampling Strategies on Decision Making in Model-Based Diagnosis
PDFWeakly Supervised Neural Symbolic Learning for Cognitive Tasks
PDFFirst Order Rewritability in Ontology-Mediated Querying in Horn Description Logics
PDFMeTeoR: Practical Reasoning in Datalog with Metric Temporal Operators
PDFSGEITL: Scene Graph Enhanced Image-Text Learning for Visual Commonsense Reasoning
PDFInductive Relation Prediction by BERT
PDFLearning to Walk with Dual Agents for Knowledge Graph Reasoning
PDFResidual Similarity Based Conditional Independence Test and Its Application in Causal Discovery
PDFOn Paraconsistent Belief Revision in LP
PDFTowards Explainable Action Recognition by Salient Qualitative Spatial Object Relation Chains
PDFTractable Explanations for d-DNNF Classifiers
PDFUnderstanding Enthymemes in Deductive Argumentation Using Semantic Distance Measures
PDFInferring Lexicographically-Ordered Rewards from Preferences
PDFTowards Fine-Grained Reasoning for Fake News Detection
PDFApproxASP – a Scalable Approximate Answer Set Counter
PDFUnit Selection with Causal Diagram
PDFBounds on Causal Effects and Application to High Dimensional Data
PDFHow Does Knowledge Graph Embedding Extrapolate to Unseen Data: A Semantic Evidence View
PDFMulti-View Graph Representation for Programming Language Processing: An Investigation into Algorithm Detection
PDFAutomated Synthesis of Generalized Invariant Strategies via Counterexample-Guided Strategy Refinement
PDFMultiplexNet: Towards Fully Satisfied Logical Constraints in Neural Networks
PDFConditional Abstract Dialectical Frameworks
PDFBERTMap: A BERT-Based Ontology Alignment System
PDFAn Axiomatic Approach to Revising Preferences
PDFReasoning about Causal Models with Infinitely Many Variables
PDFSufficient Reasons for Classifier Decisions in the Presence of Domain Constraints
PDFRushing and Strolling among Answer Sets – Navigation Made Easy
PDFLinear-Time Verification of Data-Aware Dynamic Systems with Arithmetic
PDFAxiomatization of Aggregates in Answer Set Programming
PDFASP-Based Declarative Process Mining
PDFTrading Complexity for Sparsity in Random Forest Explanations
PDFMulti-Relational Graph Representation Learning with Bayesian Gaussian Process Network
PDFGeometry Interaction Knowledge Graph Embeddings
PDFER: Equivariance Regularizer for Knowledge Graph Completion
PDFExpressivity of Planning with Horn Description Logic Ontologies
PDFThe Price of Selfishness: Conjunctive Query Entailment for ALCSelf Is 2EXPTIME-Hard
PDFFinite Entailment of Local Queries in the Z Family of Description Logics
PDFEquivalence in Argumentation Frameworks with a Claim-Centric View – Classical Results with Novel Ingredients
PDFFrom Actions to Programs as Abstract Actual Causes
PDFOn Testing for Discrimination Using Causal Models
PDFMonotone Abstractions in Ontology-Based Data Management
PDFLower Bounds on Intermediate Results in Bottom-Up Knowledge Compilation
PDFEnforcement Heuristics for Argumentation with Deep Reinforcement Learning
PDFOn the Computation of Necessary and Sufficient Explanations
PDFMachine Learning for Utility Prediction in Argument-Based Computational Persuasion
PDFOn the Complexity of Inductively Learning Guarded Clauses
PDFTractable Abstract Argumentation via Backdoor-Treewidth
PDFLarge-Neighbourhood Search for Optimisation in Answer-Set Solving
PDFAnswering Queries with Negation over Existential Rules
PDFIncomplete Argumentation Frameworks: Properties and Complexity