Vol. 34 No. 03: AAAI-20 Technical Tracks 3
AAAI Technical Track: Heuristic Search and Optimization
Enumerating Maximal k-Plexes with Worst-Case Time Guarantee
PDFA Unifying View on Individual Bounds and Heuristic Inaccuracies in Bidirectional Search
PDFAn Interactive Regret-Based Genetic Algorithm for Solving Multi-Objective Combinatorial Optimization Problems
PDFLocal Search with Dynamic-Threshold Configuration Checking and Incremental Neighborhood Updating for Maximum k-plex Problem
PDFEnvelope-Based Approaches to Real-Time Heuristic Search
PDFRuntime Analysis of Somatic Contiguous Hypermutation Operators in MOEA/D Framework
PDFLearning to Optimize Variational Quantum Circuits to Solve Combinatorial Problems
PDFHow the Duration of the Learning Period Affects the Performance of Random Gradient Selection Hyper-Heuristics
PDFOn Performance Estimation in Automatic Algorithm Configuration
PDFA Learning Based Branch and Bound for Maximum Common Subgraph Related Problems
PDFCakewalk Sampling
PDFSubset Selection by Pareto Optimization with Recombination
PDFAsymptotic Risk of Bézier Simplex Fitting
PDFTrading Convergence Rate with Computational Budget in High Dimensional Bayesian Optimization
PDFReduction and Local Search for Weighted Graph Coloring Problem
AAAI Technical Track: Human-AI Collaboration
A Human-AI Loop Approach for Joint Keyword Discovery and Expectation Estimation in Micropost Event Detection
PDFJust Ask: An Interactive Learning Framework for Vision and Language Navigation
PDFAsymptotically Unambitious Artificial General Intelligence
PDFA Framework for Engineering Human/Agent Teaming Systems
PDFWhat Is It You Really Want of Me? Generalized Reward Learning with Biased Beliefs about Domain Dynamics
PDFExplainable Reinforcement Learning through a Causal Lens
PDFRelative Attributing Propagation: Interpreting the Comparative Contributions of Individual Units in Deep Neural Networks
PDFHuman-Machine Collaboration for Fast Land Cover Mapping
PDFExpectation-Aware Planning: A Unifying Framework for Synthesizing and Executing Self-Explaining Plans for Human-Aware Planning
PDFCorpus-Level End-to-End Exploration for Interactive Systems
PDFLearning to Interactively Learn and Assist
PDFCG-GAN: An Interactive Evolutionary GAN-Based Approach for Facial Composite Generation
PDFQuerying to Find a Safe Policy under Uncertain Safety Constraints in Markov Decision Processes
AAAI Technical Track: Human-Computation and Crowd Sourcing
AAAI Technical Track: Humans and AI
Regression under Human Assistance
PDFMIMAMO Net: Integrating Micro- and Macro-Motion for Video Emotion Recognition
PDFConditional Generative Neural Decoding with Structured CNN Feature Prediction
PDFGaSPing for Utility
PDFHarnessing GANs for Zero-Shot Learning of New Classes in Visual Speech Recognition
PDFGraph-Based Decoding Model for Functional Alignment of Unaligned fMRI Data
PDFMulti-Source Domain Adaptation for Visual Sentiment Classification
PDFLearning Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Human Action Recognition by Neural Searching
PDFUCF-STAR: A Large Scale Still Image Dataset for Understanding Human Actions
PDFTowards Socially Responsible AI: Cognitive Bias-Aware Multi-Objective Learning
PDFReinforcing an Image Caption Generator Using Off-Line Human Feedback
PDFInstance-Adaptive Graph for EEG Emotion Recognition
PDFVariational Pathway Reasoning for EEG Emotion Recognition
PDFCrowd-Assisted Disaster Scene Assessment with Human-AI Interactive Attention
PDFCoCoX: Generating Conceptual and Counterfactual Explanations via Fault-Lines
PDFTowards Awareness of Human Relational Strategies in Virtual Agents
AAAI Technical Track: Knowledge Representation and Reasoning
LTLƒ Synthesis with Fairness and Stability Assumptions
PDFBlameworthiness in Security Games
PDFDeciding Acceptance in Incomplete Argumentation Frameworks
PDFRule-Guided Compositional Representation Learning on Knowledge Graphs
PDFLearning Query Inseparable εℒℋ Ontologies
PDFGraph Representations for Higher-Order Logic and Theorem Proving
PDFRelatedness and TBox-Driven Rule Learning in Large Knowledge Bases
PDFA Framework for Measuring Information Asymmetry
PDFAdversarial Deep Network Embedding for Cross-Network Node Classification
PDFContextual Parameter Generation for Knowledge Graph Link Prediction
PDFInteractE: Improving Convolution-Based Knowledge Graph Embeddings by Increasing Feature Interactions
PDFQuery Answering with Guarded Existential Rules under Stable Model Semantics
PDFCOTSAE: CO-Training of Structure and Attribute Embeddings for Entity Alignment
PDFRanking-Based Semantics for Sets of Attacking Arguments
PDFFew-Shot Knowledge Graph Completion
PDFTowards Universal Languages for Tractable Ontology Mediated Query Answering
PDFOn the Expressivity of ASK Queries in SPARQL
PDFLearning Hierarchy-Aware Knowledge Graph Embeddings for Link Prediction
PDFA Practical Approach to Forgetting in Description Logics with Nominals
PDFDeciding the Loosely Guarded Fragment and Querying Its Horn Fragment Using Resolution
PDFExplanations for Inconsistency-Tolerant Query Answering under Existential Rules
PDFCommonsense Knowledge Base Completion with Structural and Semantic Context
PDFResilient Logic Programs: Answer Set Programs Challenged by Ontologies
PDFK-BERT: Enabling Language Representation with Knowledge Graph
PDFParamE: Regarding Neural Network Parameters as Relation Embeddings for Knowledge Graph Completion
PDFAnswering Conjunctive Queries with Inequalities in DL-Liteℛ
PDFEpistemic Integrity Constraints for Ontology-Based Data Management
PDFHypothetical Answers to Continuous Queries over Data Streams
PDFElGolog: A High-Level Programming Language with Memory of the Execution History
PDFEfficient Model-Based Diagnosis of Sequential Circuits
PDFProportional Belief Merging
PDFStructural Decompositions of Epistemic Logic Programs
PDFGoing Deep: Graph Convolutional Ladder-Shape Networks
PDFAggregation of Perspectives Using the Constellations Approach to Probabilistic Argumentation
PDFLeast General Generalizations in Description Logic: Verification and Existence
PDFComplexity and Expressive Power of Disjunction and Negation in Limit Datalog
PDFLogics for Sizes with Union or Intersection
PDFFastLAS: Scalable Inductive Logic Programming Incorporating Domain-Specific Optimisation Criteria
PDFAutomatic Verification of Liveness Properties in the Situation Calculus
PDFPath Ranking with Attention to Type Hierarchies
PDFLearning and Reasoning for Robot Sequential Decision Making under Uncertainty
PDFModel-Based Diagnosis with Uncertain Observations
PDFChecking Chase Termination over Ontologies of Existential Rules with Equality
PDFForgetting an Argument
PDFRevisiting the Foundations of Abstract Argumentation – Semantics Based on Weak Admissibility and Weak Defense
PDFQuery Rewriting for Ontology-Mediated Conditional Answers