Vol. 2 (2014): Second AAAI Conference on Human Computation and Crowdsourcing
Research Papers
A Human Computation Framework for Boosting Combinatorial Solvers
PDFMonetary Interventions in Crowdsourcing Task Switching
PDFCost-Effective HITs for Relative Similarity Comparisons
PDFOutput Agreement Mechanisms and Common Knowledge
PDFContext Trees: Crowdsourcing Global Understanding from Local Views
PDFCommunity Poll: Externalizing Public Sentiments in Social Media in a Local Community Context
PDFA Crowd of Your Own: Crowdsourcing for On-Demand Personalization
PDFPredicting Own Action: Self-Fulfilling Prophecy Induced by Proper Scoring Rules
PDFReferral Incentives in Crowdfunding
PDFSaving Money While Polling with InterPoll Using Power Analysis
PDFTo Re(label), or Not To Re(label)
PDFCrowdsourced Explanations for Humorous Internet Memes Based on Linguistic Theories
PDFCrowdsourcing for Participatory Democracies: Efficient Elicitation of Social Choice Functions
PDFWish: Amplifying Creative Ability with Expert Crowds
PDFDetecting Non-Adversarial Collusion in Crowdsourcing
PDFInstance-Privacy Preserving Crowdsourcing
PDFPredicting Next Label Quality: A Time-Series Model of Crowdwork
PDFMechanism Design for Crowdsourcing Markets with Heterogeneous Tasks
PDFRobot Programming by Demonstration with Crowdsourced Action Fixes
PDFIncentives to Counter Bias in Human Computation
PDFScaling-Up the Crowd: Micro-Task Pricing Schemes for Worker Retention and Latency Improvement
PDFSTEP: A Scalable Testing and Evaluation Platform
PDFTRACCS: A Framework for Trajectory-Aware Coordinated Urban Crowd-Sourcing
PDFGroupsourcing: Distributed Problem Solving Using Social Networks
PDFParallel Task Routing for Crowdsourcing
PDFAttendee-Sourcing: Exploring The Design Space of Community-Informed Conference Scheduling
Works in Progress
Low Effort Crowdsourcing: Leveraging Peripheral Attention for Crowd Work
PDFUsing Crowdsourcing to Generate Surrogate Training Data for Robotic Grasp Prediction
PDFContextual Procurement in Online Crowdsourcing Markets
PDFCrowdsourcing the Extraction of Data Practices from Privacy Policies
PDFIdentifying Relevant Text Fragments to Help Crowdsource Privacy Policy Annotations
PDFTracking Human Process Using Crowd Collaboration to Enrich Data
PDFCrowd4U: An Initiative for Constructing an Open Academic Crowdsourcing Network
PDFAdapting Collaborative Filtering to Personalized Audio Production
PDFA GWAP Approach for Collecting Qualitative Product Attributes and Perceptual Mapping
PDFComputing Through Movement
PDFPost It or Not: Viewership Based Posting of Crowdsourced Tasks
PDFAI-MIX: Using Automated Planning to Steer Human Workers Towards Better Crowdsourced Plans
PDFProposal and Initial Study for Animal Crowdsourcing
PDFLearning Pronunciation and Accent from The Crowd
PDFTuning the Diversity of Open-Ended Responses From the Crowd
PDFA Markov Decision Process Framework for Predictable Job Completion Times on Crowdsourcing Platforms
PDFAdaptive Performance Optimization over Crowd Labor Channels
PDFQuality Control for Crowdsourced Enumeration Tasks
PDFProduct Concept Evaluation System Applying Preference Market
PDFCrowd-Aware Space Monitoring by Crowdsourcing a Micro QA Task
PDFCombining Non-Expert and Expert Crowd Work to Convert Web APIs to Dialog Systems
PDFTranzzl!n9o: A Human Computation Approach to English Translation of Internet Lingo
PDFGlance Privacy: Obfuscating Personal Identity While Coding Behavioral Video
PDFPersistent and Pervasive Real-World Sensing Using Games
PDFBehavior-Based Quality Assurance in Crowdsourcing Markets
PDFOptimal Worker Quality and Answer Estimates in Crowd-Powered Filtering and Rating
PDFPoetry of the Crowd: A Human Computation Algorithm to Convert Prose into Rhyming Verse
PDFCrowd-Workers: Aggregating Information Across Turkers to Help Them Find Higher Paying Work
PDFUsing Worker Quality Scores to Improve Stopping Rules
PDFFriendsourcing for the Greater Good: Perceptions of Social Microvolunteering
PDFCrowdsourced Data Analytics: A Case Study of a Predictive Modeling Competition
Workshop Citizen + X
A Sensor Network Approach to Managing Data Quality in Citizen Science
PDFFinding a City’s Activity Bubbles in Geotagged Social Media
PDFAURORASAURUS: Citizen Science, Early Warning Systems and Space Weather
PDFMapjack: A Mobile Wiki for Collaborative Map Making
PDFVolunteer-Based Crowdsourcing with Crowd4U
PDFDefining, Designing, and Evaluating Civic Values in Human Computationand Collective Action Systems
PDFConducting Massively Open Online Social Experiments with Volunteer Science
PDFMeasuring Impact of Local Community Initiatives: A Crowdsourcing Approach
PDFData-Based Civic Participation
PDFThe Air Sensor Citizen Science Toolbox: A Collaboration in Community Air Quality Monitoring and Mapping
PDFEight Guidelines for Designing Virtual Citizen Science Projects
PDFTesting Pre-Annotation to Help Non-Experts Identify Drug-Drug Interactions Mentioned in Drug Product Labeling
PDFConnecting Diverse Communities Through Citizen Science Data Infrastructure
PDFNaturalistic Distributed Experimentation as a Source of New Insight
PDFSocial Microvolunteering: Donating Access to Your Friends for Charitable Microwork
PDFCrowd-Training Machine Learning Systems for Human Rights Abuse Documentation
PDFViability of Crowd-Volunteered Open Research Reviews
PDFSpeech Synthesis Data Collection for Visually Impaired Person
Groupsourcing: Problem Solving, Social Learning and Knowledge Discovery on Social Networks
PDFIdeaGens: A Social Ideation System for Guided Crowd Brainstorming
PDFCrowdUtility: A Recommendation System for Crowdsourcing Platforms
PDFCrowdsourcing in Language Classes Can Help Natural Language Processing
PDFPhylo and Open-Phylo: A Human-Computing Platform for Comparative Genomics