Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents
Enhancing Autonomy with Value-Based Goal Adoption
PDFMax-Norm Projections for Factored MDPs
PDFDecision Schema and Game Theory
PDFAgent Ludens: Games for Agent Dialogues
PDFPlaying “Invisible Chess” with Information-Theoretic Advisors
PDFMDPs for Adjustable Autonomy in Real-World Multi-Agent Environments
PDFPlanetary Rover Control as a Markov Decision Process
PDFDecision-Theoretic Learning of Agent Models in an Information Economy
PDFProbabilistic Pricebots
PDFModeling Multi-Agent Interactions through State Transitions in Games of Deterrence
PDFCollective Learning in Social Coordination Games
PDFHypergame Analysis in Multiagent Environments
PDFIntention Reconsideration as Discrete Deliberation Scheduling
PDFReinforcement Learning in Distributed Domains: An Inverse Game Theoretic Approach
PDFMulti-Agent Influence Diagrams for Representing and Solving Games
PDFCoalitional Ability in Multi-Agent Systems: A Logical Approach
PDFHypergame Theory for DTGT Agents
PDFAn Iterative Generalized Vickrey Auction: Strategy-Proofness without Complete Revelation
PDFTwo Kinds of Conflicts between Desires (and How to Resolve Them)
PDFToward Flexible Trading Agents
PDFBDI and QDT: A Comparison Based on Classical Decision Theory
PDFLogical Foundations for Decision-Theoretic Planning
PDFRisk-Averse Auction Planning and its Integration into Supply Chain Management Systems
PDFGame Theoretic Strategies in Decision Making under Uncertainty
PDFCharacteristic Distributions in Multi-Agent Systems