Learning Grounded Representations
Learning from Uninterpreted Experience in the SSH
PDFGrounding the Unobservable in the Observable: The Role and Representation of Hidden State in Concept Formation and Refinement
PDFGrounding the Acquisition of Grammar in Sensorimotor Representations
PDFLearning Humanoid Arm Gestures
PDFScaling Up Grounded Representations Hierarchically
PDFOn the Role of Learning in Anchoring
PDFGrounded Models
PDFThe Robot Baby Meets the Intelligent Room
PDFLearning in Worlds with Objects
PDFPost-Piagetian Constructivism for Grounded Knowledge Acquisition
PDFToward Learning the Causal Layer of the Spatial Semantic Hierarchy Using SOMs
PDFGenerating Grounded Representations: A Mathematical Schema
PDFLearning State Grounding for Optimal Visual Servo Control of Dynamic Manipulation
PDFThe Role of Language in Learning Grounded Representations
PDFLanguage-Learning Determines All Learning
PDFFluent Learning: Elucidating the Structure of Episodes
PDFIssues in Hidden Markov Modeling and Task Driven Perception
PDFConditioning and Concept Formation in Embodied Agents
PDFGrounded Learning of Grammatical Constructions