Applications of Computer Vision in Medical Image Processing
Improving Subtraction Radiography via Automated 2D Image Registration
PDFThe Effects of Magnetic Resonance Image Inhomogeneities on Automated Tissue Classification
PDFAnalysis of the Blood Flow in the Aortic Arc
PDFSegmentation of MR Brain Scans Using Atlas-Guided Deformable Contours
PDFCorrection and Quantification of Geometric Distortion in MRI
PDF3D Laser Scanning for Image-Guided Neurosurgery
PDF3-D Visualisation Using Knowledge-Based Image Fusion
PDFThe Wrapper Algorithm for Surface Extraction in Volumetric Data
PDFShape Analysis of Brain Structures Using Physical and Experimental Modes
PDFVisualization of Volumetric Structures from MR Images of the Brain
PDFMR Physics-Based Snake Tracking and Dense Deformations from Tagged Cardiac Images
PDFGeometric Image Analysis Using Multiscale Statistical Features
PDFIn-Vivo Intensity Correction and Segmentation of Magnetic Resonance Image Data
PDFReconstructing 3-D Blood Vessel Shapes from Multiple X-Ray Images
PDFResearch Tracks in Computer Vision Applied to 3D Medical Images
PDFAutomatic 3D Image Registration for Medical Change Detection Applications
PDFA System for Multimodality Image Fusion of the Spine
PDFEliminating Errors in Image Matching Caused by the Failure of Heuristics
PDFAnalysis of Atherosclerotic Plaque Geometry and Wall Motion in Carotid Arteries Using 4D B-mode Ultrasound and High Resolution Magnetic Resonance Angiography
PDFRecognition of Red Blood Cells Abnormalities Using a New Set of Closed Contour Features
PDFRepresenting Spatial Knowledge Using the Intelligent Volumes Concept
PDFExtracting ICC Surface from an MR Image
PDFEnhanced Motion Visualisation and Characterisation in Ultrasound Imaging: Work in Progress
PDFArrangement: An Aspect-Graphlike Qualitative Relation for Medical Tomographic Images
PDFScale and Statistics in Variable Conductance Diffusion
PDFA 3D Deformable Magnetic Resonance Textbook Based on Elasticity
PDFShape-Based Grayscale Interslice Image Interpolation
PDFComputer Generated Visual Assistance to a Surgical Operation: the Retroperitoneoscopy
PDFDiagnosis of Diabetic Retinopathy by Computer Vision
PDFA Methodology for Detecting Vessels in X-Ray Mammogram Images
PDFUsing a Pattern Recognition Technique to Constrain the Acquisition and Reconstruction of MR Images
PDFMatching 3-D Anatomical Surfaces with Non-Rigid Volumetric Deformations
PDFFront Propagation: A Framework for Topology Independent Shape Modeling and Recovery
PDFAutomatic Segmentation of Lesions in Cranial CT Images
PDFA 3-D Morphological Algorithm for Automated Labelling of the Cortex in Magnetic Resonance Brain Images
PDFExtraction of the Zero-Crossing of the Curvature Derivative in Volumic 3D Medical Images: a Multi-Scale Approach
PDFStereoscopic Reconstruction of Retina Images Based on Angiographic and Laser-Scan Ophthalmoscopic Images
PDFPlanning for Image-Guided Radiosurgery
PDFFusion of information from Keratoscopic and Scheimpflug Images
PDFShape-Based Tracking and Analysis of Myocardial Function from 4D Images
PDFMedical Image Registration using Voxel Similarity Measures
PDFThe Biometrics of Landmarks and Edgels: A New Geometry of Prior Knowledge for Medical Image Understanding
PDFComputer Assisted Spine Surgery
PDFDistributed Medical Modeling, Design Prototyping and Collaborative Visualization
PDFSteps Toward the Automatic Labeling of 3D Medical Images
PDF3D Diagnostic Imaging of Blood Vessels using an X-Ray Rotational Angiographic System
PDFDeformable Models for Biomedical Data Analysis
PDFSimulation of Endoscopy
PDFA Scalar Function Formulation for Optical Flow: Applications to X-ray Imaging
PDFEnhanced Reality For Neurosurgical Guidance
PDFAnalysis of Textural Features in Medical Images Using Medium-Cost Parallel Computers
PDFA Knowledge-Guided Algorithm for Brain Lesion Detection
PDFSemiautomatic Model-Based Segmentation of the Brain from Magnetic Resonance Images
PDFVascular Models: From Raw Data to Geometric Models
PDFVisual Echo Registration of Magnetic Resonance Images
PDFImage Warping for Accurate Digital Subtraction Angiography
PDFModel-Based Analysis of Cardiac Motion from Tagged MRI Data
PDFAutomated Registration for Enhanced Reality Visualization in Surgery
PDFRetrospective Fusion of CT and MR Brain Images Using Mathematical Operators
PDFVISLAN: Combining Intra-Operative Video and Pre-Operative Images for Surgical Guidance