Why Real-World Planning is Difficult
PDFKnowledge Development Methods for Planning Systems
PDFThe Use of Sort Abstraction in Planning Domain Theories
PDFSearch Space Characterization for a Telescope Scheduling Application
PDFApplying a General-Purpose Planner to the Problem of Query Access Planning
PDFA Real Time Multi-Agent Planner for a Specific Application
PDFRoute Planning and Learning from Execution
PDFSome Issues in Practical Planning with Implications for Learning
PDFLearning About Software Errors Via Systematic Experimentation
PDFIncremental Learning of Control Knowledge for Improvement of Planning Efficiency and Plan Quality
PDFScott B. Huffman
PDFLearning by Observation and Practice: Towards Real Applications of Planning Systems
PDFPlanning in the Tactical Air Domain
PDFGE’s Applications of Case-Based Reasoning
PDFPlanning and Learning in Domains Providing Little Feedback
PDFPlanning for Machining Workpieces with a Partial-Order, Nonlinear Planner
PDFBuilding Adaptive Autonomous Agents for Adversarial Domains
PDFApplying a General-Purpose Planning and Learning Architecture to Process Planning
PDFPlanning Using Least-Commitment to Operator Selection
PDFInvited Talks
PDFKnowledge Acquisition and Reactive Planning for the Deep Space Network
PDFIPLM: A Medical Decision-Making System Based on Planning and Learning Methods
PDFTowards an Intelligent Planning Knowledge Base Development Environment
PDFPractical Planning in COLLAGE
PDFToward Real-World Science Mission Planning
PDFCase-Based Plan Recognition in Dynamic Domains
PDFPreface to Planning and Learning
PDFOn Analyzing Planning Applications
PDFIntegrating Planning and Reactive Control
PDFLearning to Solve Complex Planning Problems: Finding Useful Auxiliary Problems
PDFIndustrial Applications of ML: Illustrations for the KAML Dilemma and the CBR Dream