No. 6: AAAI-21 Technical Tracks 6
AAAI Technical Track Focus Area on AI for Conference Organization and Delivery
Argument Mining Driven Analysis of Peer-Reviews
PDFUncovering Latent Biases in Text: Method and Application to Peer Review
PDFA Market-Inspired Bidding Scheme for Peer Review Paper Assignment
PDFA Novice-Reviewer Experiment to Address Scarcity of Qualified Reviewers in Large Conferences
PDFCatch Me if I Can: Detecting Strategic Behaviour in Peer Assessment
AAAI Technical Track Focus Area on AI Responses to the COVID-19 Pandemic
Savable but Lost Lives when ICU Is Overloaded: a Model from 733 Patients in Epicenter Wuhan, China
PDFPersistence of Anti-vaccine Sentiment in Social Networks Through Strategic Interactions
PDFAutomated Model Design and Benchmarking of Deep Learning Models for COVID-19 Detection with Chest CT Scans
PDFSTELAR: Spatio-temporal Tensor Factorization with Latent Epidemiological Regularization
PDFTransfer Graph Neural Networks for Pandemic Forecasting
PDFMiniSeg: An Extremely Minimum Network for Efficient COVID-19 Segmentation
PDFSteering a Historical Disease Forecasting Model Under a Pandemic: Case of Flu and COVID-19
PDFGaining Insight into SARS-CoV-2 Infection and COVID-19 Severity Using Self-supervised Edge Features and Graph Neural Networks
PDFContext Matters: Graph-based Self-supervised Representation Learning for Medical Images
PDFTracking Disease Outbreaks from Sparse Data with Bayesian Inference
PDFC-Watcher: A Framework for Early Detection of High-Risk Neighborhoods Ahead of COVID-19 Outbreak
AAAI Technical Track Focus Area on Neuro-Symbolic AI
Explaining Neural Matrix Factorization with Gradient Rollback
PDFAdaptive Teaching of Temporal Logic Formulas to Preference-based Learners
PDFNeural-Symbolic Integration: A Compositional Perspective
PDFEncoding Human Domain Knowledge to Warm Start Reinforcement Learning
PDFDifferentiable Inductive Logic Programming for Structured Examples
PDFClassification by Attention: Scene Graph Classification with Prior Knowledge
PDFA Unified Framework for Planning with Learned Neural Network Transition Models
PDFRecognizing and Verifying Mathematical Equations using Multiplicative Differential Neural Units
PDFA Scalable Reasoning and Learning Approach for Neural-Symbolic Stream Fusion
PDFConversational Neuro-Symbolic Commonsense Reasoning
PDFSelf-Supervised Self-Supervision by Combining Deep Learning and Probabilistic Logic
PDFAnswering Complex Queries in Knowledge Graphs with Bidirectional Sequence Encoders
PDFLearning by Fixing: Solving Math Word Problems with Weak Supervision
PDFLearning Game-Theoretic Models of Multiagent Trajectories Using Implicit Layers
PDFPlanning from Pixels in Atari with Learned Symbolic Representations
PDFAligning Artificial Neural Networks and Ontologies towards Explainable AI
PDFDynamic Neuro-Symbolic Knowledge Graph Construction for Zero-shot Commonsense Question Answering
PDFInterpretable Actions: Controlling Experts with Understandable Commands
AAAI Technical Track on Game Theory and Economic Paradigms
Power in Liquid Democracy
PDFComputing Ex Ante Coordinated Team-Maxmin Equilibria in Zero-Sum Multiplayer Extensive-Form Games
PDFClassification with Few Tests through Self-Selection
PDFIncentive-Aware PAC Learning
PDFAutomated Mechanism Design for Classification with Partial Verification
PDFFinding and Certifying (Near-)Optimal Strategies in Black-Box Extensive-Form Games
PDFTargeted Negative Campaigning: Complexity and Approximations
PDFEstimating α-Rank by Maximizing Information Gain
PDFFrom Behavioral Theories to Econometrics: Inferring Preferences of Human Agents from Data on Repeated Interactions
PDFA Permutation-Equivariant Neural Network Architecture For Auction Design
PDFMarket-Based Explanations of Collective Decisions
PDFPreference Elicitation as Average-Case Sorting
PDFScarce Societal Resource Allocation and the Price of (Local) Justice
PDFFair and Efficient Allocations with Limited Demands
PDFMajority Opinion Diffusion in Social Networks: An Adversarial Approach
PDFCoalition Formation in Multi-defender Security Games
PDFOn Fair and Efficient Allocations of Indivisible Goods
PDFThe Maximin Support Method: An Extension of the D’Hondt Method to Approval-Based Multiwinner Elections
PDFA Model of Winners Allocation
PDFIf You Like Shapley Then You’ll Love the Core
PDFThe Smoothed Complexity of Computing Kemeny and Slater Rankings
PDFFacility’s Perspective to Fair Facility Location Problems
PDFRestricted Domains of Dichotomous Preferences with Possibly Incomplete Information
PDFOnline Posted Pricing with Unknown Time-Discounted Valuations
PDFCoupon Design in Advertising Systems
PDFModeling Voters in Multi-Winner Approval Voting
PDFSolution Concepts in Hierarchical Games Under Bounded Rationality With Applications to Autonomous Driving
PDFAn Analysis of Approval-Based Committee Rules for 2D-Euclidean Elections
PDFAggregating Binary Judgments Ranked by Accuracy
PDFDistrict-Fair Participatory Budgeting
PDFFair and Efficient Allocations under Lexicographic Preferences
PDFNecessarily Optimal One-Sided Matchings
PDFComputing the Proportional Veto Core
PDFMulti-Scale Games: Representing and Solving Games on Networks with Group Structure
PDFMulti-Party Campaigning
PDFClassification with Strategically Withheld Data
PDFOn the PTAS for Maximin Shares in an Indivisible Mixed Manna
PDFEvolution Strategies for Approximate Solution of Bayesian Games
PDFSafe Search for Stackelberg Equilibria in Extensive-Form Games
PDFBudget Feasible Mechanisms Over Graphs
PDFOn the Approximation of Nash Equilibria in Sparse Win-Lose Multi-player Games
PDFTrembling-Hand Perfection and Correlation in Sequential Games
PDFComplexity and Algorithms for Exploiting Quantal Opponents in Large Two-Player Games
PDFHindsight and Sequential Rationality of Correlated Play
PDFFair and Efficient Online Allocations with Normalized Valuations
PDFInfinite-Dimensional Fisher Markets: Equilibrium, Duality and Optimization
PDFEfficient Truthful Scheduling and Resource Allocation through Monitoring
PDFSignaling in Bayesian Network Congestion Games: the Subtle Power of Symmetry
PDFComputing Quantal Stackelberg Equilibrium in Extensive-Form Games
PDFFair and Efficient Allocations under Subadditive Valuations
PDFScalable Equilibrium Computation in Multi-agent Influence Games on Networks
PDFProportional Representation under Single-Crossing Preferences Revisited
PDFComputational Analyses of the Electoral College: Campaigning Is Hard But Approximately Manageable
PDFModel-sharing Games: Analyzing Federated Learning Under Voluntary Participation
PDFOn Fair Division under Heterogeneous Matroid Constraints
PDFPoA of Simple Auctions with Interdependent Values
PDFMind the Gap: Cake Cutting With Separation
PDFIncentivizing Truthfulness Through Audits in Strategic Classification
PDFAlmost Envy-freeness, Envy-rank, and Nash Social Welfare Matchings
PDFFaster Game Solving via Predictive Blackwell Approachability: Connecting Regret Matching and Mirror Descent
PDFBandit Linear Optimization for Sequential Decision Making and Extensive-Form Games
PDFModel-Free Online Learning in Unknown Sequential Decision Making Problems and Games
PDFSimultaneous 2nd Price Item Auctions with No-Underbidding
PDFConvergence Analysis of No-Regret Bidding Algorithms in Repeated Auctions
PDFCondorcet Relaxation In Spatial Voting
PDFPresent-Biased Optimization
PDFUnited for Change: Deliberative Coalition Formation to Change the Status Quo
PDFDividing a Graphical Cake
PDFPreserving Condorcet Winners under Strategic Manipulation
PDFThe Price of Connectivity in Fair Division
PDFAchieving Proportionality up to the Maximin Item with Indivisible Goods
PDFDefending against Contagious Attacks on a Network with Resource Reallocation
PDFBayesian Persuasion under Ex Ante and Ex Post Constraints
PDFFair and Truthful Mechanisms for Dichotomous Valuations
PDFProportionally Representative Participatory Budgeting with Ordinal Preferences
PDFAchieving Envy-freeness and Equitability with Monetary Transfers
PDFForming Better Stable Solutions in Group Formation Games Inspired by Internet Exchange Points (IXPs)
PDFRepresentative Proxy Voting
PDFMaximin Fairness with Mixed Divisible and Indivisible Goods
PDFProtecting the Protected Group: Circumventing Harmful Fairness
PDFSelfish Creation of Social Networks
PDFOn the Complexity of Finding Justifications for Collective Decisions
PDFReaching Individually Stable Coalition Structures in Hedonic Games
PDFReinforcement Learning of Sequential Price Mechanisms
PDFMargin of Victory in Tournaments: Structural and Experimental Results
PDFWelfare Guarantees in Schelling Segregation
PDFPersuading Voters in District-based Elections
PDFDouble Oracle Algorithm for Computing Equilibria in Continuous Games
PDFA Few Queries Go a Long Way: Information-Distortion Tradeoffs in Matching