No. 4: AAAI-21 Technical Tracks 4
AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision III
Context-Guided Adaptive Network for Efficient Human Pose Estimation
PDFePointDA: An End-to-End Simulation-to-Real Domain Adaptation Framework for LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation
PDFRobust Lightweight Facial Expression Recognition Network with Label Distribution Training
PDFJoint Color-irrelevant Consistency Learning and Identity-aware Modality Adaptation for Visible-infrared Cross Modality Person Re-identification
PDFRobust Multi-Modality Person Re-identification
PDFExploiting Sample Uncertainty for Domain Adaptive Person Re-Identification
PDFRESA: Recurrent Feature-Shift Aggregator for Lane Detection
PDFCIA-SSD: Confident IoU-Aware Single-Stage Object Detector From Point Cloud
PDFRegional Attention with Architecture-Rebuilt 3D Network for RGB-D Gesture Recognition
PDFDeep Semantic Dictionary Learning for Multi-label Image Classification
PDFModel Uncertainty Guides Visual Object Tracking
PDFOptimizing Information Theory Based Bitwise Bottlenecks for Efficient Mixed-Precision Activation Quantization
PDFInferring Camouflaged Objects by Texture-Aware Interactive Guidance Network
PDFSimple is not Easy: A Simple Strong Baseline for TextVQA and TextCaps
PDFFooling Thermal Infrared Pedestrian Detectors in Real World Using Small Bulbs
PDFASHF-Net: Adaptive Sampling and Hierarchical Folding Network for Robust Point Cloud Completion
PDFVisual Tracking via Hierarchical Deep Reinforcement Learning
PDFOne for More: Selecting Generalizable Samples for Generalizable ReID Model
PDFAda-Segment: Automated Multi-loss Adaptation for Panoptic Segmentation
PDFSIMPLE: SIngle-network with Mimicking and Point Learning for Bottom-up Human Pose Estimation
PDFEnhancing Audio-Visual Association with Self-Supervised Curriculum Learning
PDFUnsupervised Domain Adaptation for Person Re-identification via Heterogeneous Graph Alignment
PDFProactive Privacy-preserving Learning for Retrieval
PDFA Novel Visual Interpretability for Deep Neural Networks by Optimizing Activation Maps with Perturbation
PDFPoint Cloud Semantic Scene Completion from RGB-D Images
PDFConsensus Graph Representation Learning for Better Grounded Image Captioning
PDFBoW Pooling: A Plug-and-Play Unit for Feature Aggregation of Point Clouds
PDFDiverse Knowledge Distillation for End-to-End Person Search
PDFWeakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation for Large-Scale Point Cloud
PDFPC-RGNN: Point Cloud Completion and Graph Neural Network for 3D Object Detection
PDFEfficient License Plate Recognition via Holistic Position Attention
PDFBag of Tricks for Long-Tailed Visual Recognition with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
PDFDepth Privileged Object Detection in Indoor Scenes via Deformation Hallucination
PDFLearning Flexibly Distributional Representation for Low-quality 3D Face Recognition
PDFIA-GM: A Deep Bidirectional Learning Method for Graph Matching
PDFDistribution Adaptive INT8 Quantization for Training CNNs
PDFObject Relation Attention for Image Paragraph Captioning
PDFAdversarial Robustness through Disentangled Representations
PDFCPCGAN: A Controllable 3D Point Cloud Generative Adversarial Network with Semantic Label Generating
PDFR3Det: Refined Single-Stage Detector with Feature Refinement for Rotating Object
PDFOne-shot Face Reenactment Using Appearance Adaptive Normalization
PDFA Case Study of the Shortcut Effects in Visual Commonsense Reasoning
PDFInstance Mining with Class Feature Banks for Weakly Supervised Object Detection
PDFMultimodal Fusion via Teacher-Student Network for Indoor Action Recognition
PDFERNIE-ViL: Knowledge Enhanced Vision-Language Representations through Scene Graphs
PDFHigh-Resolution Deep Image Matting
PDFCAKES: Channel-wise Automatic KErnel Shrinking for Efficient 3D Networks
PDFStructure-Consistent Weakly Supervised Salient Object Detection with Local Saliency Coherence
PDFFast and Compact Bilinear Pooling by Shifted Random Maclaurin
PDFSimple and Effective Stochastic Neural Networks
PDFLearning Visual Context for Group Activity Recognition
PDFStrokeGAN: Reducing Mode Collapse in Chinese Font Generation via Stroke Encoding
PDFDemodalizing Face Recognition with Synthetic Samples
PDFEMLight: Lighting Estimation via Spherical Distribution Approximation
PDFUniversal Adversarial Perturbations Through the Lens of Deep Steganography: Towards a Fourier Perspective
PDFSPIN: Structure-Preserving Inner Offset Network for Scene Text Recognition
PDFBinaural Audio-Visual Localization
PDFBeating Attackers At Their Own Games: Adversarial Example Detection Using Adversarial Gradient Directions
PDFShape-Pose Ambiguity in Learning 3D Reconstruction from Images
PDFBoundary Proposal Network for Two-stage Natural Language Video Localization
PDFAmodal Segmentation Based on Visible Region Segmentation and Shape Prior
PDFLocate Globally, Segment Locally: A Progressive Architecture With Knowledge Review Network for Salient Object Detection
PDFInvariant Teacher and Equivariant Student for Unsupervised 3D Human Pose Estimation
PDFImagine, Reason and Write: Visual Storytelling with Graph Knowledge and Relational Reasoning
PDFSelf-supervised Multi-view Stereo via Effective Co-Segmentation and Data-Augmentation
PDFEfficient Deep Image Denoising via Class Specific Convolution
PDFInvestigate Indistinguishable Points in Semantic Segmentation of 3D Point Cloud
PDFLearning Geometry-Disentangled Representation for Complementary Understanding of 3D Object Point Cloud
PDFSearching for Alignment in Face Recognition
PDFGIF Thumbnails: Attract More Clicks to Your Videos
PDFFaceController: Controllable Attribute Editing for Face in the Wild
PDFAnchorFace: An Anchor-based Facial Landmark Detector Across Large Poses
PDFSparse Single Sweep LiDAR Point Cloud Segmentation via Learning Contextual Shape Priors from Scene Completion
PDFLearning Semantic Context from Normal Samples for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection
PDFNon-Autoregressive Coarse-to-Fine Video Captioning
PDFLearning to Attack Real-World Models for Person Re-identification via Virtual-Guided Meta-Learning
PDFPGNet: Real-time Arbitrarily-Shaped Text Spotting with Point Gathering Network
PDFDynamic Position-aware Network for Fine-grained Image Recognition
PDFCo-mining: Self-Supervised Learning for Sparsely Annotated Object Detection
PDFVery Important Person Localization in Unconstrained Conditions: A New Benchmark
PDFTeacher Guided Neural Architecture Search for Face Recognition
PDFDeep Multi-Task Learning for Diabetic Retinopathy Grading in Fundus Images
PDFConfidence-aware Non-repetitive Multimodal Transformers for TextCaps
PDFGeodesic-HOF: 3D Reconstruction Without Cutting Corners
PDFC2F-FWN: Coarse-to-Fine Flow Warping Network for Spatial-Temporal Consistent Motion Transfer
PDFSemantic Consistency Networks for 3D Object Detection
PDFHolistic Multi-View Building Analysis in the Wild with Projection Pooling
PDFStereopagnosia: Fooling Stereo Networks with Adversarial Perturbations
PDFGeneralising without Forgetting for Lifelong Person Re-Identification
PDFDecentralised Learning from Independent Multi-Domain Labels for Person Re-Identification
PDFRegion-aware Global Context Modeling for Automatic Nerve Segmentation from Ultrasound Images
PDFPrecise Yet Efficient Semantic Calibration and Refinement in ConvNets for Real-time Polyp Segmentation from Colonoscopy Videos
PDFGraph-to-Graph: Towards Accurate and Interpretable Online Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition
PDFLearning Comprehensive Motion Representation for Action Recognition
PDFMVFNet: Multi-View Fusion Network for Efficient Video Recognition
PDFAnticipating Future Relations via Graph Growing for Action Prediction
PDFEfficient Object-Level Visual Context Modeling for Multimodal Machine Translation: Masking Irrelevant Objects Helps Grounding
PDFTemporal Relational Modeling with Self-Supervision for Action Segmentation
PDFTowards Robust Visual Information Extraction in Real World: New Dataset and Novel Solution
PDFSelf-Domain Adaptation for Face Anti-Spoofing
PDFWeakly Supervised Deep Hyperspherical Quantization for Image Retrieval
PDFCamera-Aware Proxies for Unsupervised Person Re-Identification
PDFUnsupervised 3D Learning for Shape Analysis via Multiresolution Instance Discrimination