No. 2: AAAI-21 Technical Tracks 2
AAAI Technical Track on Computer Vision I
Training Binary Neural Network without Batch Normalization for Image Super-Resolution
PDFWhat to Select: Pursuing Consistent Motion Segmentation from Multiple Geometric Models
PDFAsynchronous Teacher Guided Bit-wise Hard Mining for Online Hashing
PDFDeep Low-Contrast Image Enhancement using Structure Tensor Representation
PDFSpectral Distribution Aware Image Generation
PDFStarNet: towards Weakly Supervised Few-Shot Object Detection
PDFDiscriminative Region Suppression for Weakly-Supervised Semantic Segmentation
PDFVisual Comfort Aware-Reinforcement Learning for Depth Adjustment of Stereoscopic 3D Images
PDFDual Compositional Learning in Interactive Image Retrieval
PDFEnd-to-End Differentiable Learning to HDR Image Synthesis for Multi-exposure Images
PDFStructured Co-reference Graph Attention for Video-grounded Dialogue
PDFProgressive One-shot Human Parsing
PDFConsistent-Separable Feature Representation for Semantic Segmentation
PDFError-Aware Density Isomorphism Reconstruction for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Crowd Counting
PDFDropLoss for Long-Tail Instance Segmentation
PDFHand-Model-Aware Sign Language Recognition
PDFStratified Rule-Aware Network for Abstract Visual Reasoning
PDFVIVO: Visual Vocabulary Pre-Training for Novel Object Captioning
PDFExploiting Relationship for Complex-scene Image Generation
PDFModeling Deep Learning Based Privacy Attacks on Physical Mail
PDFPTN: A Poisson Transfer Network for Semi-supervised Few-shot Learning
PDFText-Guided Graph Neural Networks for Referring 3D Instance Segmentation
PDFInitiative Defense against Facial Manipulation
PDFSnapMix: Semantically Proportional Mixing for Augmenting Fine-grained Data
PDFA Hybrid Attention Mechanism for Weakly-Supervised Temporal Action Localization
PDFContext-Aware Graph Convolution Network for Target Re-identification
PDFImproving Image Captioning by Leveraging Intra- and Inter-layer Global Representation in Transformer Network
PDFFrequency Consistent Adaptation for Real World Super Resolution
PDFMatching on Sets: Conquer Occluded Person Re-identification Without Alignment
PDFGradingNet: Towards Providing Reliable Supervisions for Weakly Supervised Object Detection by Grading the Box Candidates
PDFSSN3D: Self-Separated Network to Align Parts for 3D Convolution in Video Person Re-Identification
PDFLearning Complex 3D Human Self-Contact
PDFRain Streak Removal via Dual Graph Convolutional Network
PDFCompFeat: Comprehensive Feature Aggregation for Video Instance Segmentation
PDFDeep Metric Learning with Self-Supervised Ranking
PDFA Systematic Evaluation of Object Detection Networks for Scientific Plots
PDFThe Complexity of Object Association in Multiple Object Tracking
PDFLearning Local Neighboring Structure for Robust 3D Shape Representation
PDFSemantic-guided Reinforced Region Embedding for Generalized Zero-Shot Learning
PDFDynamic Graph Representation Learning for Video Dialog via Multi-Modal Shuffled Transformers
PDFBoundary-Aware Geometric Encoding for Semantic Segmentation of Point Clouds
PDFAnalogical Image Translation for Fog Generation
PDFTemporal ROI Align for Video Object Recognition
PDFSMART Frame Selection for Action Recognition
PDFProxy Synthesis: Learning with Synthetic Classes for Deep Metric Learning
PDFInterpretable Graph Capsule Networks for Object Recognition
PDFClass-Incremental Instance Segmentation via Multi-Teacher Networks
PDFEfficientDeRain: Learning Pixel-wise Dilation Filtering for High-Efficiency Single-Image Deraining
PDFOrder Regularization on Ordinal Loss for Head Pose, Age and Gaze Estimation
PDFDecoupled and Memory-Reinforced Networks: Towards Effective Feature Learning for One-Step Person Search
PDFSpherical Image Generation from a Single Image by Considering Scene Symmetry
PDFDramaQA: Character-Centered Video Story Understanding with Hierarchical QA
PDFDeepCollaboration: Collaborative Generative and Discriminative Models for Class Incremental Learning
PDFSplit then Refine: Stacked Attention-guided ResUNets for Blind Single Image Visible Watermark Removal
PDFRSGNet: Relation based Skeleton Graph Network for Crowded Scenes Pose Estimation
PDFVoxel R-CNN: Towards High Performance Voxel-based 3D Object Detection
PDFArbitrary Video Style Transfer via Multi-Channel Correlation
PDFSimilarity Reasoning and Filtration for Image-Text Matching
PDFSpatio-Temporal Difference Descriptor for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
PDFTowards Universal Physical Attacks on Single Object Tracking
PDFModeling the Probabilistic Distribution of Unlabeled Data for One-shot Medical Image Segmentation
PDFFew-Shot Class-Incremental Learning via Relation Knowledge Distillation
PDFMIEHDR CNN: Main Image Enhancement based Ghost-Free High Dynamic Range Imaging using Dual-Lens Systems
PDFBoosting Image-based Mutual Gaze Detection using Pseudo 3D Gaze
PDFHow to Save your Annotation Cost for Panoptic Segmentation?
PDFDIRV: Dense Interaction Region Voting for End-to-End Human-Object Interaction Detection
PDFDecAug: Augmenting HOI Detection via Decomposition
PDFPartially Non-Autoregressive Image Captioning
PDFMemory-Augmented Image Captioning
PDFEdge-competing Pathological Liver Vessel Segmentation with Limited Labels
PDFVisual Boundary Knowledge Translation for Foreground Segmentation
PDFCNN Profiler on Polar Coordinate Images for Tropical Cyclone Structure Analysis
PDFCommonsense Knowledge Aware Concept Selection For Diverse and Informative Visual Storytelling
PDFAttention-based Multi-Level Fusion Network for Light Field Depth Estimation
PDFJoint Demosaicking and Denoising in the Wild: The Case of Training Under Ground Truth Uncertainty
PDFSpatial-temporal Causal Inference for Partial Image-to-video Adaptation
PDFRef-NMS: Breaking Proposal Bottlenecks in Two-Stage Referring Expression Grounding
PDFRSPNet: Relative Speed Perception for Unsupervised Video Representation Learning
PDFDual Distribution Alignment Network for Generalizable Person Re-Identification
PDFRGB-D Salient Object Detection via 3D Convolutional Neural Networks
PDFMind-the-Gap! Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Text-Video Retrieval
PDFLocal Relation Learning for Face Forgery Detection
PDFDeductive Learning for Weakly-Supervised 3D Human Pose Estimation via Uncalibrated Cameras
PDFA Unified Multi-Scenario Attacking Network for Visual Object Tracking
PDFSSD-GAN: Measuring the Realness in the Spatial and Spectral Domains
PDFMulti-Scale Spatial Temporal Graph Convolutional Network for Skeleton-Based Action Recognition
PDFCascade Network with Guided Loss and Hybrid Attention for Finding Good Correspondences
PDFGeneralizable Representation Learning for Mixture Domain Face Anti-Spoofing
PDFSSPC-Net: Semi-supervised Semantic 3D Point Cloud Segmentation Network
PDFDeep Feature Space Trojan Attack of Neural Networks by Controlled Detoxification
PDFGraph and Temporal Convolutional Networks for 3D Multi-person Pose Estimation in Monocular Videos
PDFLocalization in the Crowd with Topological Constraints
PDFDeep Event Stereo Leveraged by Event-to-Image Translation
PDFOptical Flow Estimation from a Single Motion-blurred Image
PDFMotion-blurred Video Interpolation and Extrapolation
PDFDisentangled Multi-Relational Graph Convolutional Network for Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
PDFDense Events Grounding in Video
PDFContext-aware Attentional Pooling (CAP) for Fine-grained Visual Classification
PDFAppearance-Motion Memory Consistency Network for Video Anomaly Detection
PDFRethinking Object Detection in Retail Stores
PDFYOLObile: Real-Time Object Detection on Mobile Devices via Compression-Compilation Co-Design
PDFSemantic MapNet: Building Allocentric Semantic Maps and Representations from Egocentric Views
PDFUnderstanding Deformable Alignment in Video Super-Resolution
PDFDeep Metric Learning with Graph Consistency