Book One
Isomorphic Transformations of Uncertainties between the EMYCIN and PROSPECTOR Inexact Reasoning Models
PDFLive WWW and Its Agents: The CAS-LWWW Project
PDFInteroperating Distributed Expert Systems at a Semantic Level
PDFA Run-Time Perspective of Agent Modelling through AgentSpeak
PDFThe Locality of Information Gathering in Multiagent System
PDFPlangent – An Intelligent Multiagent System for Network Computing
PDFAn Agent-based Architecture for Flexible Multimedia Communication Networks
PDFAgent-based Social Information Gathering on Internet
PDFImplementing an Agent Negotiation Protocol based on Persuasion
PDFProduct Populationsand Lifecycle Services As Industrial Multi-Agent Systems In An Embedded Electronic Commerce Framework
PDFAmoeba-Like Mobility by a Group of Units
PDFA Multiagent System for Network Information Services
PDFA First-Order Theory of Agent Models with a Layered Architecture
PDFSoftware Construction Environment using a Multiagent
PDFParticipatory Semantics for Multi-Agent Systems
PDFSatisfying User Preferences While Negotiating Meetings
PDFLearning Cases to Resolve Conflicts and Improve Group Behavior
PDFAn Environment for Designing/Executing Constraint Solver Collaborations
PDFFlexible Behaviors for Context Adaptive Multi-Agent Organizations
PDFToward Interaction-Oriented Programming
PDFOn Achievable Goals and Feasible Plans in Open Multi-Agent Systems
PDFCooperative Control of Tank Level with Fuzzy Controllers
PDFA Multiagent Meeting Organizer that Satisfies Soft Constraints
PDFRoboCup: The Robot World Cup Initiative
PDFA Cooperative Learning Protocol based on Equilibration
PDFComparing Coordination and Repair Strategies in a Distributed Scheduling System
PDFLearning of Social Behaviors in a Society of Economic Agents
PDFThe Impact of Nested Agent Models in an Information Economy
PDFA Market-Based Approach to Allocating QoS for Multimedia Applications
PDFPower Load Management as a Computational Market
PDFDistributed Breakout Algorithm for Solving Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
PDFMultiagent Real-Time A* with Selection: Introducing Competition in Cooperative Search
PDFAnalysis and Methodologies of Synthesis of Solutions in Distributed Expert Systems
PDFRoMAT: Exploiting a Multi-Agent Model for Data Fusion
PDFAscribing Intensional Ontologies in Anthropologically-Based Cultural Descriptions of Multi-Agent Systems
PDFA Story-Telling Intelligent Agent Based on Minsky’s “Society of Mind”
PDFReasoning on Conflict and Negotiation Through Causal Maps
PDFEvaluation of Symbolic and Connectionist Approaches in a Multi-agent System
PDFToward a Formal Model of Multi-Agent Systems with Dynamic Organizations
PDFMatchmaking and Brokering
PDFDistributed Knowledge Elicitation through the Dempster-Shafer Theory of Evidence: A Simulation Study
PDFDistributed Problem-Solving as Concurrent Theorem Proving
PDFImproving Global Coherence by Adaptive Organization in a Multi-agent System
PDFYenta: A Multi-Agent, Referral-Based Matchmaking System
PDFGSAT Distribution
PDFOptimality in Communication Games
PDFGuided Team Selection
PDFTeamwork in Real-World Dynamic Environments
PDFA Multicriteria Approach for Distributed Planning and Conflict Resolution for Multiagent Systems
PDFA Model for Systems of Situated Autonomous Agents: An Application to Automated Deduction
PDFAgent Augmented Reality: A Software Agent Meets the Real World
PDFOrganic Programming Language GAEA for Multi-Agents
PDFReducing Communication Load on Contract Net by Case-Based Reasoning — Extension with Directed Contract and Forgetting
PDFMulti-Agent Reinforcement Learning: A Modular Approach
PDFAdvantages of Strategic Thinking in Multiagent Contracts (A Mechanism and Analysis)
PDFNegotiation Through Argumentation–A Preliminary Report
PDFVisualizing Agent Conversations: Using Enhanced Dooley Graphs for Agent Design and Analysis
PDFExploring Organizational Designs with TAEMS: A Case Study of Distributed Data Processing
PDFLimitations of the Vickrey Auction in Computational Multiagent Systems
PDFA Recursive Model for Distributed Planning
PDFEffects of Local Information on Group Behavior
PDFReciprocity: A Foundational Principle for Promoting Cooperative Behavior Among Self-Interested Agents
PDFFormation of Overlapping Coalitions for Precedence-Ordered Task-Execution Among Autonomous Agents
PDFPerceptually Grounded Meaning Creation
PDFToward a Theoretical Foundation for Multi-Agent Coordinated Decisions
PDFAn Ontology-Based Cooperative Environment for Real-World Agents
PDFLearning Organizational Roles in a Heterogeneous Multi-Agent System
PDFAn Initial Assessment of Plan-Recognition-Based Coordination for Multiagent Teams
PDFSelf-Fulfilling Bias in Multiagent Learning
PDFDelay of High-Speed Networks
PDFBeat Tracking Based on Multiple-Agent Architecture –A Real-Time Beat Tracking System for Audio Signals
PDFMulti-Agent Meeting Scheduling: Preliminary Experimental Results
PDFCentralized Task Distribution in the Presence of Uncertainty and Time Deadlines
PDFA Security Architecture for Multi-Agent Matchmaking
PDFInfluences and Reaction: A Model of Situated Multiagent Systems
PDFModeling Decentralised Decision Making
PDFCollective Commitments
PDFAn Emergence Approach to Behavior Convention in Agent Group Through Propagation of Plans
PDFAn Agent Architecture for Personal and Group Work Support
PDFBelief Coordination by Default
PDFOrganizational Strategies for Multiagent Real-Time Search
PDFA Polynomial Kernel-Oriented Coalition Algorithm for Rational Information Agents
PDFMeta-level Control of Coordination Protocols
PDFProgressive Multi-Agent Negotiation
PDFMultiagent Coordination in Tightly Coupled Real-Time Environments
PDFReferent Misidentification and Recovery Among Communicating Agents
PDFCooperative Behavior in an Iterated Game with a Change of the Payoff Value
PDFAgents that Rationalize Their Decisions
PDFExperiments in Learning Prototypical Situations for Variants of the Pursuit Game
PDFAgent Oriented Design of a Soccer Robot Team
PDFAgents as Clonable Objects with Knowledge Base State
PDFThe Application of Evolution Process in Multi-Agent World (MAW) to the Prediction System
PDFHelp Under Risky Conditions: Robustness of the Social Attitude and System Performance