First International Conference on Multiagent Systems
First International Conference on Multiagent Systems
This paper describes plan reuse in multiagent d-mains. In distributed planning, a plan is created by distributed centers of planner agents that have their own viewpoints. Plan reuse where a past plan result is reused for the new problem was proposed for single-agent planning and can achieve efficient planning. A special issue for applying it to distributed planning is that, even if the local agent thinks that the new problem is identical to a past problem, other agents may have quite different goals. Another issue is to realize efficient distributed planning, like in a single-agent case. This paper shows that the past plan can be reused regardless of other agents’ goals under the assumption that the initial state has only "infacts." A generated plan and related information are stored as a plan template so that an agent can reuse it in future planning. This information includes generated plans, subgoals, non-local effects that may affect or be affected by other agents’ plans, and their conflict resolution methods that were actually used. An agent can create a plan efficiently using a template, because it can skip a part of planning actions, detect conflicts in an early stage, and reduce communication costs. First, this paper presents the planning-with-reuse framework. Then how plan templates are created and reused is also illustrated using some block world examples. Finally, we experimentally show that efficient distributed planning can be achieved.
First International Conference on Multiagent Systems