Book One
The Consensus of Uncertainties in Distributed Expert Systems
PDFAgenTalk: Coordination Protocol Description for Multiagent Systems
PDFMultiagent Coordination in Distributed Interactive Battlefield Simulations
PDFA Microeconomic Approach to Intelligent Resource Sharing in Multiagent Systems
PDFA View on the Architecture and Design of Highly Autonomous and Situated Agents
PDFOrganic Programming for Multi-Agents
PDFA Multi-Agent Approach to the Design of Coordination Mechanisms
PDFSome Principles in Designing Cooperative Architectures of Autonomous Agents
PDFAn Agent Model in a Multiagent System Architecture for Automating Distributed Systems
PDFBeyond Cooperation-ism and Competition-ism (Exploring Social Phenomena with a Generalized Tit-For-Tat Model)
PDFVIENA: A Multiagent Interface to a Virtual Environment
PDFAutomated Multiagent Preference Aggregation Using Fuzzy Quantifiers
PDFAsynchronous Weak-commitment Search for Solving Large-Scale Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems
PDFLearning Coordination Plans in Distributed Problem-Solving
PDFThe Consensus Scheduling Model: Negotiation among Peers
PDFDistributed Flow Shop Scheduling Problem Global versus Local Optimization
PDFMap Making as a Support for Cooperation
PDFLinguistic Support for Agent Migration
PDFAn Agent Approach to Case Adaptation
PDFA Game-Theoretic Approach to Distributed Control of Traffic Signals
PDFLinear Prediction in a Multi-Agent Environment
PDFA Communication Protocol for Conflict Resolution
PDFRational Balancing of Planning and Communication in the Dynamic Multi-Agents World
PDFA Multi-Agent Framework for Inter-Organizational Applications
PDFActions with Typical Effects: Epistemic Characterization of Scenarios
PDFUnifying Control in a Layered Agent Architecture
PDFDeriving Goals and Intentions
PDFAgents as Reasoners, Observers or Arbitrary Believers
PDFA Quantitative Analysis of the Contract Net Protocol
PDFEvolving Cooperation Strategies
PDFDistributed Symbolic-SubSymbolic Agent Architecture for Configuring Power Network Faults
PDFAn Agent Algebra for the Formal Description and Verification of Multi Agent Systems
PDFCoalition-Based Cooperation between Intelligent Agents for a Contextual Recognition of Interdatabase Dependencies
PDFSelf-Organization Based on Coordinated Actions of Autonomous Agents
PDFReusing Past Plans in Distributed Planning
PDFExploiting Social Reasoning to Deal with Agency Level Inconsistency
PDFRecursive Agent and Agent-group Tracking in a Real-time, Dynamic Environment
PDFRecursive Agent Modeling Using Limited Rationality
PDFUnderstanding the Emergence of Conventions in Multi-Agent Systems
PDFDistributed Scheduling of Multiagent Communication
PDFResource Contention in Multiagent Systems
PDFBlissful Ignorance: Knowing Just Enough to Coordinate Well
PDFComputational Organization Research
PDFParallel, Distributed and Multi-Agent Production Systems
PDFDeveloping Industrial Multi-Agent Systems f
PDFMultiagent Planning as a Social Process: Voting, Privacy, and Manipulation
PDFCoordination of Multiple Intelligent Agents in the Infosphere
PDFKnowledge and Behavior in Multiagent Systems
PDFDIDE: A Multi-Agent Environment for Engineering Design
PDFUnsupervised Surrogate Agents and Search Bias Change in Flexible Distributed Scheduling
PDFIssues in Automated Negotiation and Electronic Commerce: Extending the Contract Net Framework
PDFPARAgente: Exploring the Issues in Agent-Based User Interfaces
PDFBDI Agents: From Theory to Practice
PDFGeneralised Proof-Theory for Multi-Agent Autoepistemic Reasoning
PDFHow Agents Do It In Stream Logic Programming
PDFForming Coalitions for Breaking Deadlocks
PDFDeciding When to Commit to Action During Observation-Based Coordination
PDFA Multi-Agent System for Controlling Building Environments
PDFTwo Is not Always Better than One: Experiences in Real-Time Bidirectional Search
PDFReasoning about Belief Based on Common Knowledge of Observability of Actions
PDFThe Emergence of Cooperation in a Society of Autonomous Agents–The Prisoner’s Dilemma Game under the Disclosure of Contract Histories
PDFSelf Organizational Approach for Integration of Distributed Expert Systems
PDFSynchronizing Multiagent Plans using Temporal Logic Specifications
PDFHierarchical and Lateral Coordination in MAS: An Analysis of Message Traffic Flow
PDFOn Using KQML for Matchmaking
PDFA Metalevel Coordination Strategy for Reactive Cooperative Planning
PDFIntroducing the Blind Hunger Dilemma: Agents’ Properties and Performance
PDFA Simple Computational Market for Network Information Services
PDFA Cooperation Language
PDFTime and the Prisoner’s Dilemma
PDFUnsupervised Multi-Agent Exploration of Structured Environments
PDFUnderstanding Cooperation: an Agent’s Perspective
PDFA Formal Framework for Agency and Autonomy
PDFExploiting Problem Structure for Distributed Constraint Optimization
PDFA Multi-Agent Intelligent Design System Integrating Manufacturing and Shop-Floor Control
PDFMotor Schema-Based Formation Control for Multiagent Robot Teams
PDFCOOL: A Language for Describing Coordination in Multi Agent Systems
PDFFormal Specification of Multi-Agent Systems: a Real-World Case
PDFThe DRESUN Testbed for Research in FA/C Distributed Situation Assessment: Extensions to the Model of External Evidence
PDFCommitments: From Individual Intentions to Groups and Organizations
PDFCommunication for Conflict Resolution in Multi-Agent Collaborative Planning
PDFMultiagent Reasoning with Belief Contexts II: Elaboration Tolerance
PDFCommunicative Actions for Artificial Agents
PDFDesigning a Family of Coordination Algorithms
PDFKnowledge-Based Distributed Search Using Teamwork
PDFA Tool for Coordinating Autonomous Agents with Conflicting Goals
PDFA Tractable Heuristic that Maximizes Global Utility through Local Plan Combination
PDFCoordination without Communication: Experimental Validation of Focal Point Techniques
PDFA Model for Cooperative Transportation Scheduling
PDFDilemmas in Computational Societies
PDFA Rigorous, Operational Formalization of Recursive Modeling
PDFTowards a Pragmatic Theory of Interactions
PDFA Game-Theoretic Account of Collaboration in Communication
PDFMultiagent Collaboration in Directed Improvisation