No. 8: AAAI-21 Technical Tracks 8
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35
AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning I
At the working heart of policy iteration algorithms commonly used and studied in the discounted setting of reinforcement learning, the policy evaluation step estimates the value of states with samples from a Markov reward process induced by following a Markov policy in a Markov decision process. We propose a simple and efficient estimator called loop estimator that exploits the regenerative structure of Markov reward processes without explicitly estimating a full model. Our method enjoys a space complexity of O(1) when estimating the value of a single positive recurrent state s unlike TD with O(S) or model-based methods with O(S^2). Moreover, the regenerative structure enables us to show, without relying on the generative model approach, that the estimator has an instance-dependent convergence rate of O~(sqrt{tau_s/T}) over steps T on a single sample path, where tau_s is the maximal expected hitting time to state s. In preliminary numerical experiments, the loop estimator outperforms model-free methods, such as TD(k), and is competitive with the model-based estimator.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 35