No. 6: AAAI-22 Technical Tracks 6
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36
AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning I
This paper proposes a new variant of multi-play MAB model, to capture important factors of the sequential user-centric selection problem arising from mobile edge computing, ridesharing applications, etc. In the proposed model, each arm is associated with discrete units of resources, each play is associate with movement costs and multiple plays can pull the same arm simultaneously. To learn the optimal action profile (an action profile prescribes the arm that each play pulls), there are two challenges: (1) the number of action profiles is large, i.e., M^K, where K and M denote the number of plays and arms respectively; (2) feedbacks on action profiles are not available, but instead feedbacks on some model parameters can be observed. To address the first challenge, we formulate a completed weighted bipartite graph to capture key factors of the offline decision problem with given model parameters. We identify the correspondence between action profiles and a special class of matchings of the graph. We also identify a dominance structure of this class of matchings. This correspondence and dominance structure enable us to design an algorithm named OffOptActPrf to locate the optimal action efficiently. To address the second challenge, we design an OnLinActPrf algorithm. We design estimators for model parameters and use these estimators to design a Quasi-UCB index for each action profile. The OnLinActPrf uses OffOptActPrf as a subroutine to select the action profile with the largest Quasi-UCB index. We conduct extensive experiments to validate the efficiency of OnLinActPrf.
Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 36