Atlas-Andes is a dialogue enhanced model tracing tutor (MTT) integrating the Andes Physics tutoring system (Gertner and VanLelm 2000) with the Atlas tutorial dialogue system (Freedman et al. 2000). Andes is a MTT that presents quantitative physics problems to students. Each problem solving action entered by students is highlighted either red or green to indicate whether it. was correct or not. This basic feedback is terlned red-greeu feedback. Furthermore, when students get stuck in the midst of problem solving and request help, Andes provides hint sequences designed to help them achieve the goal of soh'ing the problem as quickly as possible. Atlas provides Andes with the capability of leading students through directed lines of reasoning that teach basic physics conceptual knowledge, such as Newton’s Laws. The purpose of these directed lines of reasoning is to provide a solid foundation in conceptual physics to promote deep learning and to enable students to develop meaningful problem solving strategies.