The 39th Annual AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence
February 25 – March 4, 2025 | Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Important Deadlines
Note: all deadlines are “anywhere on earth” (UTC-12)
October 26, 2024: Electronic applications due
Updated: December 13, 2024: Notification of acceptance or rejection
December 24, 2024: Talk title and abstract, and speaker bio and photo due to AAAI
January 13, 2025: Camera-ready versions at the AAAI CRC site
Jan 15, 2025 (Tentative): Links to video of selected talks due to AAAI for review. Details about video format and content will be announced after acceptance.
New Faculty Highlights: Call for Proposals
This year, AAAI is continuing its invited speaker program, highlighting AI researchers who have just begun careers as new faculty members or the equivalent in industry.
New Faculty Highlight talks will be allotted 30 minutes each; the aim for these talks is to broadly survey the candidate’s research to date. Several talks will be released online and publicized each day of the AAAI conference, following which they will be available archivally as part of the conference program. Invited speakers will be further invited to contribute an article to a corresponding series in AI Magazine.
To qualify, applicants must have taken up a faculty position at a research-intensive university or a broadly equivalent position in industry (e.g., a position in a research lab that involves independent research and publication at AI venues), with a start date between July 1, 2022 and December 31, 2024.
We invite applications from qualified researchers. All documents must be in PDF format and use the AAAI 2025 Author Kit. Applications should consist of:
- a cover letter (at most 2 pages) that explains the promise and impact of the candidate’s research to-date (e.g., publications in top-tier forums, citations, awards, adoption or application by others, deployed systems, broader impacts) and future plans in AAAI format;
- the candidate’s CV in your preferred format;
- a link to the candidate’s Google Scholar profile or equivalent at the top of your CV,
- and a one-page statement describing the work that would be surveyed by the talk in AAAI format.
Applications may be submitted at and are due on or before October 26, 2024. The final selections are competitive and will be done based on the strength of the candidate’s track record, and the promise of the research plan.
For More Information
Inquiries concerning submissions and suggestions for the new faculty highlight program may be directed to the program co-chairs at All other inquiries should be directed to AAAI at
New Faculty Highlight Co-Chairs
Bistra Dilkina, University of Southern California, USA
Jana Doppa, Washington State University, USA