Book One
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 29
Novel Applications
Surveillance camera networks are a useful monitoring infrastructure that can be used for various visual analytics applications, where high-level inferences and predictions could be made based on target tracking across the network. Most multi-camera tracking works focus on re-identification problems and trajectory association problems. However, as camera networks grow in size, the volume of data generated is humongous, and scalable processing of this data is imperative for deploying practical solutions. In this paper, we address the largely overlooked problem of scheduling cameras for processing by selecting one where the target is most likely to appear next. The inter-camera handover can then be performed on the selected cameras via re-identification or another target association technique. We model this scheduling problem using reinforcement learning and learn the camera selection policy using Q-learning. We do not assume the knowledge of the camera network topology but we observe that the resulting policy implicitly learns it. We evaluate our approach using NLPR MCT dataset, which is a real multi-camera multi-target tracking benchmark and show that the proposed policy substantially reduces the number of frames required to be processed at the cost of a small reduction in recall.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, 29