Interactive Decision Theory and Game Theory
Learning to Cooperate in Normal Form Games
PDFA Computational Decision Theory for Interactive Assistants
PDFMathematical Programming Formulations to Compute Steady States in Two-Player Extensive-Form Games
PDFUsing a Trust Model in Decision Making for Supply Chain Management
PDFTeamwork and Coordination under Model Uncertainty in DEC-POMDPs
PDFIntegrating Opponent Models with Monte-Carlo Tree Search in Poker
PDFMCRNR: Fast Computing of Restricted Nash Responses by Means of Sampling
PDFSignaling Games with Partially Observable Actions as a Model of Conversational Grounding
PDFSampling and Updating Higher Order Beliefs in Decision-Theoretic Bargaining Under Uncertainty
PDFA Cognitive Hierarchy Model Applied to the Lemonade Game
PDFMaximum Causal Entropy Correlated Equilibria for Markov Games