Coordination, Organization, Institutions and Norms in Agent Systems
How to Concretize Norms in NMAS? An Operational Normative Approach Presented with a Case Study from the Television Domain
PDFPor Favor? Favor Reciprocation When Agents Have Private Discounting
PDFInstrumenting Multi-Agent Organisations with Reputation Artifacts
PDFMulti-Organizational Structures
PDFExploring Robustness in the context of Organizational Self-Design
PDFTransgression and Atonement
PDFNorm Emergence in Complex Ambiguous Situations
PDFDistributed Coordination and Network Structure: Experimental Results from Simulation
PDFTowards a Formalisation of Electronic Contracting Environments
PDFForce versus Majority: A comparison in convention emergence efficiency
PDFUsing SOA Provenance to Implement Norm Enforcement in e-Institutions
PDFCategorizing Social Norms in a Simulated Resource Gathering Society
PDFOrganizing Committee