AI Education Colloquium
Just Add Wheels: Leveraging Commodity Laptop Hardware for Robotics and AI Education
PDFOrganizing Committee
PDFTeaching Artificial Intelligence Playfully
PDFMaking Intelligent Walking Robots Accessible to Educators: A Brain and Sensor Pack for Legged Mobile Robots
PDFA Pedagogical Framework for Modeling and Simulating Intelligent Agents and Control Systems
PDFEmotional Computation in Artificial Intelligence Education
PDFA Cyber-Infrastructure for Supporting K-12 Engineering Education Through Robotics
PDFLeveraging the Singularity: Introducing AI to Liberal Arts Students
PDFAIspace: Interactive Tools for Learning Artificial Intelligence
PDFA Multi-Agent Team Formation Framework for Classroom Instruction
PDFMaking Nifty Assignments Niftier and Not So Nifty Assignments Nifty with Online Technologies
PDFLow-Cost Localization for Educational Robotic Platforms via an External Fixed-Position Camera
PDFGridworld Search and Rescue: A Project Framework for a Course in Artificial Intelligence
PDFMaking Research Tools Accessible for All AI Students
PDFUsing Surveyor SRV-1 Robots to Motivate CS1 Students
PDFTeaching Forward-Chaining Planning with JavaFF
PDFWeb Crawling As An AI Project
PDFDeveloping a Text-based MMORPG to Motivate Students in CS1