Semantic e-Science
Semantic Data Integration Environment for Biomedical Research (Ontological Framework for e-Science and Imaginizer)
PDFQuery Translation for Ontology-extended Data Sources
PDFTowards Privacy Aware Data Analysis Workflows for e-Science
PDFTraceability Mechanisms for Bioinformatics Scientific Workflows
PDFUsing the Semantic Grid to Support Evidence-Based Policy Assessment
PDFSemantic web services for interdisciplinary scientific data query and retrieval
PDFAdding Semantics to Social Websites for Citizen Science
PDFSemantic Annotation for Persistence
PDFToward Using Bio-ontologies in the Semantic Web: Trade-offs Between Ontology Languages
PDFMatching Request Profile and Service Profile for Semantic Web Service Discovery
PDFSemantic e-Science and Geology
PDFSemantic Graph Mining for e-Science
PDFOrganizing Committee