Educational Data Mining
PDFPredicting End-Of-Year Accountability Assessment Scores from Monthly Student Records In An Online Tutoring System
PDFFeature Discovery in the Context of Educational Data Mining: An Inductive Approach
PDFDo Skills Combine Additively to Predict Task Difficulty in Eigth-Grade Mathematics
PDFComparative Analysis of Concept Derivation Using the Q-matrix Method and Facets
PDFUsing Association Rules for Course Recommendation
PDFDoes Help Help? A Bayes Net Approach to Modeling Tutor Interventions
PDFItem-based Bayesian Student Models
PDFUsing Mixed-Effects Modeling to Compare Different Grain-Sized Skill Models
PDFModeling and Assessing Student Activities in On-Line Discussions
PDFInferring Use Cases from Unit Testing
PDFMining Student Learning Data to Develop High Level Pedagogic Strategy in a Medical ITS
PDFOrganizing Committee