AAAI Mobile Robot Competition and Exhibition
The Mr.ArmHandOne Project: A Mazes Roamer Robot
PDFHuman Detection by Tartan Swarm
PDFArchitecture to Enable Dynamic Reorganization of Cooperative Robotic Teams
PDFI Comici Roboti: Performing the Lazzo of the Statue from the Commedia Dell’Arte
PDFROSEY the Robot
PDFRoboCupJunior: A Vehicle for Enhancing Technical Literacy
PDFThe Personal Rover
PDFMinDART: A Multi-Robot Search and Retrieval System
PDFIdentity Emulation (IE): Bio-inspired Facial Expression Interfaces for Emotive Robots
PDFThe Crystal Robot: Implementation and Demonstration
PDFGRACE: An Autonomous Robot for the AAAI Robot Challenge
PDFThe Scarabs RoboCup 2002 Rescue Robot Team
PDFBlue Swarm Sentinel and Blue Swarm 2
PDFThe Georgia Tech Yellow Jackets: A Marsupial Team for Urban Search and Rescue
PDFA Pragmatic Approach to Robot Rescue: The Keystone Fire Brigade
PDFDynamic-Autonomy for Urban Search and Rescue
PDFAssessment of the AAAI USAR Robotics Competition
PDFMabel: Building a Robot Designed for Human Interaction
PDFA Modular Software Architecture for Heterogeneous Robot Tasks
PDFKansas State University’s Autonomous Robot Borivoj: An Entry in the AAAI2002’s Robot Host Competition