Game Theoretic and Decision Theoretic Agents
Organizing Committee and Contents
PDFDecision Theoretic Planning and the Bounded Rationality of BDI Agents
PDFScalable Learning in Stochastic Games
PDFUsing Decision-Theoretic Planning Agents in Market-Based Systems
PDFCoherent Pricing of Efficient Allocations in Combinatorial Economies
PDFDecisions and Games of BD Agents
PDFMiscomputing Ratio: The Social Cost of Selfish Computing
PDFAuctioning Contracts in a Task Allocation among Self-Interested Agents
PDFTowards Computing Optimal Policies for Decentralized POMDPs
PDFEn-Route Sector Metering using a Game-Theoretic Approach
PDFWhiteBear: An Empirical Study of Design Tradeoffs for Autonomous Trading Agents
PDFRepresenting von Neumann-Morgenstern Games in the Situation Calculus
PDFBeyond Optimization: Overcoming the Limitations of Individual Rationality
PDFAnalyzing Complex Strategic Interactions in Multi-Agent Systems
PDFPrice-Oriented, Rationing-Free Protocol: Guideline for Designing Strategy/ False-Name Proof Auction Protocols
PDFWorkshop Schedule