Vol. 9 No. 5 (2015): ICWSM Workshop Technical Report WS-15-19 (Wikipedia a Social Pedia: Research Challenges and Opportunities)
Wikipedia, a Social Pedia
The Transmission of Scientific Knowledge to Wikipedia
PDFEliciting Disease Data from Wikipedia Articles
PDFWhat Women Like: A Gendered Analysis of Twitter Users’ Interests based on a Twixonomy
PDFA Lightly Supervised Approach to Role Identification in Wikipedia Talk Page Discussions
PDFTowards Better Visual Tools for Exploring Wikipedia Article Development — The Use Case of “Gamergate Controversy”
PDFLet’s Talk about Talks: Supporting Knowledge Exchange Processes on Wiki Discussion Pages
PDFInconsistency between Salience and the Dynamics of Changes: The Information War on Wikipedia (Research Proposal)
PDFQuo Vadis? On the Effects of Wikipedia’s Policies on Navigation
PDFUser Engagement on Wikipedia, A Review of Studies of Readers and Editors
PDFDetermining the Influence of Reddit Posts on Wikipedia Pageviews
PDFMultilingualWikipedia: Editors of Primary Language Contribute to More Complex Articles
PDFExploratory Access to Wikipedia through Faceted Dynamic Taxonomies
PDFWikipedia, Academia, and Science
PDFOn the Evolution of Wikipedia: Dynamics of Categories and Articles
PDFCollaborative Visualizations for Wikipedia Critique and Activism
PDFUnpacking the Structure of Knowledge Diffusion in Wikipedia: Local Biases, Noble Prizes and the Wisdom of Crowds