Vol. 19 (2009): Nineteenth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling
Long Papers
Using Physics- and Sensor-based Simulation for High-Fidelity Temporal Projection of Realistic Robot Behavior
PDFOptimality Properties of Planning Via Petri Net Unfolding: A Formal Analysis
PDFAn Optimal Temporally Expressive Planner: Initial Results and Application to P2P Network Optimization
PDFStructural-Pattern Databases
PDFMinimal Sufficient Explanations for Factored Markov Decision Processes
PDFScalable, Parallel Best-First Search for Optimal Sequential Planning
PDFNavigation Planning in Probabilistic Roadmaps with Uncertainty
PDFInference and Decomposition in Planning Using Causal Consistent Chains
PDFPervasive Model Adaptation: The Integration of Planning and Information Gathering in Dynamic Production Systems
PDFInformation-Theoretic Approach to Efficient Adaptive Path Planning for Mobile Robotic Environmental Sensing
PDFJust-In-Time Scheduling with Constraint Programming
PDFThinking Ahead in Real-Time Search
PDFForward Constraint-Based Algorithms for Anytime Planning
PDFPreferred Operators and Deferred Evaluation in Satisficing Planning
PDFSAT-Based Parallel Planning Using a Split Representation of Actions
PDFFast Distributed Multi-agent Plan Execution with Dynamic Task Assignment and Scheduling
PDFA Decision-Theoretic Approach to Dynamic Sensor Selection in Camera Networks
PDFA Conformant Planner with Explicit Disjunctive Representation of Belief States
PDFExploiting Coordination Locales in Distributed POMDPs via Social Model Shaping
PDFMulti-Agent Online Planning with Communication
PDFLandmarks, Critical Paths and Abstractions: What’s the Difference Anyway?
PDFFocused Topological Value Iteration
PDFImproving Planning Performance Using Low-Conflict Relaxed Plans
PDFContinuous Orchestration of Web Services via Planning
PDFLower Bounding Klondike Solitaire with Monte-Carlo Planning
PDFAutomatic Derivation of Memoryless Policies and Finite-State Controllers Using Classical Planners
PDFSuboptimal and Anytime Heuristic Search on Multi-Core Machines
PDFEnhancing the Context-Enhanced Additive Heuristic with Precedence Constraints
PDFA Human-Aware Robot Task Planner
PDFExtending the Use of Inference in Temporal Planning as Forwards Search
PDFFlexible Execution of Plans with Choice
PDFComposition of Partially Observable Services Exporting their Behaviour
PDFEfficient Solutions to Factored MDPs with Imprecise Transition Probabilities
PDFUPMurphi: A Tool for Universal Planning on PDDL+ Problems
PDFSemantic Attachments for Domain-Independent Planning Systems
PDFDynamic Controllability of Temporally-flexible Reactive Programs
PDFUsing the Context-enhanced Additive Heuristic for Temporal and Numeric Planning
PDFThe Influence of k-Dependence on the Complexity of Planning
PDFA Semantics for HTN Methods
PDFImproved Local Search for Job Shop Scheduling with uncertain Durations
PDFIncremental Policy Generation for Finite-Horizon DEC-POMDPs
Short Papers
Integrating Planning and Scheduling in a CP Framework: A Transition-Based Approach
PDFAnt Search Strategies For Planning Optimization
PDFAcquisition of Object-Centred Domain Models from Planning Examples
PDFMulti-Goal Planning for an Autonomous Blasthole Drill
PDFComputing Robust Plans in Continuous Domains
PDFAn Automatically Configurable Portfolio-based Planner with Macro-actions: PbP
PDFhm(P) = h1(Pm): Alternative Characterisations of the Generalisation From hmax To hm
PDFPath-Adaptive A* for Incremental Heuristic Search in Unknown Terrain
PDFExtended Goals for Composing Services
PDFFrom Discrete Mission Schedule to Continuous Implicit Trajectory using Optimal Time Warping
PDFLearning User Plan Preferences Obfuscated by Feasibility Constraints
PDFExploiting N-Gram Analysis to Predict Operator Sequences
PDFSolving Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problems with Time-Windows Using Iterative Improvement Algorithms
PDFUsing Distance Estimates in Heuristic Search