Vol. 10 No. 5 (2014): AIIDE Workshop Technical Report WS-14-18 (Musical Metacreation)
PDFA Hierarchical System for Autonomous Musical Creation
PDFGenomic: Combining Genetic Algorithms and Corpora to Evolve Sound Treatments
PDFGuided Music Synthesis with Variable Markov Oracle
PDFStudying the Effect of Metre Perception on Rhythm and Melody Modelling with LSTMs
PDFMotivation, Microdrives and Microgoals in Mockingbird
PDFA Genetically Generated Drone A/V Composition Using Video Analysis as a ‘Disturbance Factor’ to the Fitness Function
PDFImplications of Ad Hoc Artificial Intelligence in Music
PDFFerin Martino: A Small Piano Algorithm and Its Lessons on Creativity, Interaction, and Expression
PDFGenerating Structure – Towards Large-Scale Formal Generation
PDFArtik: Articulation and Dynamics from Structural Pattern Analysis