Architectures for Modeling Emotion: Cross-Disciplinary Foundations
Simulating Artificial Emotion and Personality
PDFTowards an Integrated Cognitive Architecture for Modeling and Recognizing User Affect
PDFHow to Determine the Utility of Emotions
PDFEvaluating a General Model of Emotional Appraisal and Coping
PDFAn “Everything But” Framework for Modeling Emotion
PDFTwo Sides of Appraisal: Implementing Appraisal and Its Consequences within a Cognitive Architecture
PDFAffect and Affordance: Architectures without Emotion
PDFTowards a Physiological Model of Emotions: First Steps
PDFFrom Desire Coherence and Belief Coherence to Emotions: A Constraint Satisfaction Model
PDFDesign of an Architecture Based on Emotions for an Autonomous Robot
PDFWhat Are Emotion Theories About?
PDFBDIE: A BDI like Architecture with Emotional Capabilities
PDFTowards the Simulation of a Multi-Level Model of Human Emotions
PDFTowards Affect-Based Approximations to Rational Planning: A Decision-Theoretic Perspective to Emotions
PDFIntegrating a Crisis Stages Model into a Simulation for Training Law Enforcement Officers to Manage Encounters with the Mentally Ill
PDFEmotions in a Cognitive Architecture for Human Robot Interactions
PDFAgent-Based Emotional Architecture for Directing the Adaptive Robot Behavior
PDFFrom Human Emotions to Robot Emotions
PDFLanguage Generation and Personality: Two Dimensions, Two Stages, Two Hemispheres?
PDFA Functional Perspective on Emotion Elicitation: Some Considerations for the Development of Emotional Architectures
PDFAffect Control Theory as a Foundation for Socially Intelligent Systems
PDFSimulating Infant-Carer Relationship Dynamics
PDFDesigning Personality: Cognitive Architectures and Beyond
PDFA Probabilistic Framework for Recognizing and Affecting Emotions
PDFHormonally Moderated Neural Control
PDFFeelings and Emotions as Motivators and Learning Facilitators
PDFFunctions, Creatures, Learning, Emotion