Intelligent Integration and Use of Text, Image, Video, and Audio Corpora
Exploration in a Large Corpus: Research on the Integration of Eye Gaze and Speech with Visual Information in a Virtual Reality System
PDFIntegrating Text and Face Detection for Finding Informative Poster Frames
PDFMetadata for Integrating Chinese Text and Speech Documents in a Multi-media Retrieval System
PDFA Similarity Measure for Automatic Audio Classification
PDFEfficient Archiving and Content-based Retrieval of Video Information on the Web
PDFFinding Photograph Captions Multimodally on the World Wide Web
PDFSpotting by Association in News Video
PDFReasoning about Form and Content of Multimedia Objects (Extended Abstract)
PDFIntegration of Pattern Information and Natural Language Information for Image Analysis and Retrieval
PDFMusic Information Retrieval Using Audio Input
PDFAcquiring and Integrating Knowledge from Images for a Large Scale Hypermedia System
PDFChallenges in the Fusion of Video and Audio for Robust Speech Recognition
PDFIntegrating Image Content and its Associated Text in a Web Image Retrieval Agent
PDFInformedia News-on-Demand: Using Speech Recognition to Create a Digital Video Library
PDFImproving Acoustic Models by Watching Television
PDFAnalysis of Gesture and Action in Technical Talks for Video Indexing
PDFSegmentation, Content Extraction and Visualization of Broadcast News Video Using Multistream Analysis
PDFA General Framework To Control Media that only Exist in Time
PDFIntegration of a Large Text and Audio Corpus using Speaker Identification
PDFStudying Search and Archiving in a Real Audio Database
PDFShow and Tell: Using Speech Input for Image Interpretation and Annotation