Natural Language Processing for the World Wide Web
Gleaning information from the Web: Using Syntax to Filter out Irrelevant Information
PDFThe Automated Generation of Web Documents that Are Tailored to the Individual Reader
PDFControlling Virtual Worlds through Extensible Natural Language
PDFSemantic Indexing and Typed Hyperlinking
PDFText Summarization for Knowledge Filtering Agents in Distributed Heterogeneous Environments
PDFHypertext Summary Extraction for Fast Document Browsing
PDFThe Temple Web Translator
PDFDesiderata for an Every Citizen Interface to the National Information Infrastructure: Challenges for NLP
PDFRealization of a User-friendly Access to Networked Information Retrieval Systems
PDFREASON: NLP-based Search System for the WWW
PDFNatural Language Indexing of Multimedia Objects in the Context of a WWW Distance Learning Environment
PDFContext-sensitive Hypertext Generation
PDFInteractive Real-Time Translation via the lnternet
PDFThe Web as Dialogue: The Role of Natural Language Generation in Hypertext
PDFNatural Language Processing in the FAQ Finder System: Results and Prospects
PDFAir Travel Information System Demonstration
PDFEvaluating Multilingual Gisting of Web Pages
PDFFrom Sentence Processing to Information Access on the World Wide Web
PDFAuthor Index
PDFMarkup is Markup
PDFAn MT Meta-Server for Information Retrieval on WWW