Empirical Methods in Discourse: Interpretation and Generation
Coding Schemes for Natural Language Dialogues
PDFDeveloping Algorithms for Discourse Segmentation
PDFMetrics for Evaluating Dialogue Strategies in a Spoken Language System
PDFProofs as Discourse: An Empirical Study
PDFIdentifying the Mapping of Semantics Onto Language: Going Beyond the Text
PDFDiscourse and Dialogue Research: What Infrastructure Do We Need?
PDFDiscourse Structure in Spoken Language: Studies on Speech Corpora
PDFProbabilistic Classifiers for Tracking Point of View
PDFEmpirical Methods in Discourse: Limits and Prospects
PDFDevelopment and Implementation of a Discourse Model for Newspaper Texts
PDFProblems for Reliable Discourse Coding Systems
PDFVocabulary-Management Profiles as Unlabelled Tree Diagrams of Discourse
PDFAutomated Acquisition of Anaphora Resolution Strategies
PDFConversation Acts, Interactional Structure, and Conversational Outcomes
PDFA Discourse Analysis Approach to Structured Speech
PDFExtrasentential Resolution of Japanese Zero Pronouns Using Semantic and Pragmatic Constraints
PDFEmpirical Methods in Discourse Interpretation and Generation: Goals of the Workshop
PDFEvaluating the Effectiveness of Dialogue for an Automated Spoken Questionnaire
PDFThe KNIGHT Experiments: Empirically Evaluating an Explanation Generation System
PDFSome Experiments in Speech Act Prediction
PDFAn Empirical Approach to VP Ellipsis
PDFMessage Understanding Conference (MUC) Tests of Discourse Processing
PDFThe Situated Behavior of MUD Back Channels
PDFDesignWorld: A Testbed for Discourse
PDFAn Empirical Methodology for Determining a Set of Coherence Relations
PDFN.b.: A Graphical User Interface For Annotating Spoken Dialogue
PDFA Methodology for Extending Focusing Frameworks
PDFUsing Discourse Analysis and Automatic Text Generation to Study Discourse Cue Usage
PDFFrom Corpus to Codings: Semi-Automating the Acquisition of Linguistic Features
PDFLearning Domain-Specific Discourse Rules for Information Extraction
PDFThe Role of Computer–Computer Dialogues in Human–Computer Dialogue System Development
PDFReplicability of Transaction and Action Coding in the Map Task Corpus