Decision-Theoretic Planning
An Incremental Search Approach to Real-Time Decision Making
PDFReasoning About Probabilistic Actions at Multiple Levels of Granularity
PDFWhen to Plan and When to Act?
PDFPlans in Organizations
PDFA Spreading Activation Mechanism for Decision-Theoretic Planning
PDFProbabilistic Integration of Planning, Action, and Perception
PDFExploitation of Decision Theory Techniques in Multi-Agent Planning (Preliminary Report)
PDFApplying Decision Theory to Reactive Planning
PDFAction Networks: A Framework for Reasoning about Actions and Change under Uncertainty
PDFFrom Imaging and Stochastic Control to a Calculus of Actions
PDFAn Architecture for Rationality — Statement of Interest
PDFIncentive to Work: Deriving Cooperation Among Self-Interested Agents (Preliminary Report)
PDFTwo Algorithms Suitable for Constructive Utility Planning
PDFA Decision Theoretic Planning Assistant
PDFDecision-Theoretic Planning with a Possible Models Action Formalism
PDFConstructing Belief Networks to Evaluate Plans
PDFIntegrating Planning and Execution in Stochastic Domains
PDFA Decision-Theoretic Computational Framework for Planning (Preliminary Report)
PDFResearch in Decision-Theoretic Planning and Scheduling
PDFFeatures of a Decision-Theoretic Approach to Monitoring and Repair and their Applicability to Replannin
PDFInteractive Decisions in COSMA-Negotiations
PDFToward A General Dynamic Decision Modeling Language: An Integrated Framework For Planning Under Uncertainty
PDFAn Algebreic Framework for Uncertain STRIPS Planning
PDFToward Approximate Planning in Very Large Stochastic Domains
PDFA Statistical Approach to Adaptive Problem-Solving for Large-Scale Scheduling and Resource-Allocation Problems
PDFDecision-Theoretic Planning for Anticipating and Troubleshooting Faults
PDFA Decision-Theoretic Abductive Basis for Planning
PDFIssues in Constructing and Learning Abstract Decision Models
PDFTwo Techniques for Tractable Decision-Theoretic Planning
PDFUtility Functions and Heuristics for Resource-Bounded Planning Applications
PDFSpecification and Evaluation of Preferences for Planning under Uncertainty
PDFQualitative Planning under Assumptions: A Preliminary Report
PDFSome Questions about Interpreting Plans as Multi-Stage Influence Diagrams
PDFRepresenting Preferences as Ceteris Paribus Comparatives
PDFLogical Foundations for Decision-Theoretic Planning
PDFBeyond Symbolic Goals: A Step Towards Utility-Directed Planning Statements of Interest
PDFDecision-Theoretic Subgoaling for Planning with External Events
PDFDecison-Theoretic Refinement Planning using Inheritance Abstraction
PDFExtending Case Based Planning
PDFSymbolic Causal Networks for Reasoning about Actions and Plans
PDFProbabilistic Planning with Information Gathering and Contingent Execution
PDFEpsilon-safe Planning
PDFDecision Theory, Planning and Constraint Satisfaction
PDFTowards a Logical Foundation for Qualitative Decision Theory
PDFRisk-Sensitive Planning
PDFA Structured, Probabilistic Model of Action
PDFManaging Action Duration Uncertainty with Just-in-Case Scheduling