Practical Approaches to Scheduling and Planning
Adaptive Planning For Applications With Dynamic Objectives
PDFO-Plan2: The Open Planning Architecture
PDFPREDIT: A Temporal Predictive Framework for Scheduling Systems
PDFRealization of High Quality Production Schedules: Structuring Quality Factors via Iteration of User Specification Processes
PDFTemporal Planning for Transportation Planning and Scheduling
PDFExperiments With a Decision- Theoretic Scheduler
PDFCombining Constraint Satisfaction and Local Improvement Algorithms to Construct Anaesthetists’ Rotas
PDFUser-Centered Scheduling Support in the Military Airspace Management System Prototype
PDFLearning to Integrate Reactivity and Deliberation in Uncertain Planning and Scheduling Problems
PDFScheduling Lessons Learned from the Autonomous Power System
PDFJIGSAW: Preference-Directed, Co-operative Scheduling
PDFGenerating Effective Project Scheduling Heuristics by Abstraction and Reconstitution
PDFManaging Disjunction for Practical Temporal Reasoning
PDFScheduling of an Aircraft Fleet
PDFScheduling Revisited Workstations in Integrated-Circuit Fabrication
PDFUncertainty Management by Relaxation of Conflicting Constraints in Production Scheduling
PDFA Heuristic Repair Method for Constraint-Satisfaction and Scheduling Problems
PDFTime Management Situation Assessment (TMSA)
PDFA Simulated Annealing Approach to Schedule Optimization for the SES Facility
PDFRescheduling With Iterative Repair
PDFCABINS: Case-Based Interactive Scheduler
PDFCompletable Scheduling: An Integrated Approach to Planning and Scheduling
PDFReal-time Scheduling Using Minimim Search
PDFDecomposability and Scalability in Space-Based Observatory Scheduling
PDFThe MICRO-BOSS Scheduling System: Current Status and Future Efforts
PDFConstraint Monitoring in TOSCA
PDFPlanning for the Semiconductor Manufacturer of the Future
PDFReal-Time Contingency Handling In Maestro
PDFIOPS Advisor: Research in Progress on Knowledge-Intensive Methods for Irregular Operations Airline Scheduling
PDFSpike: AI Scheduling for Hubble Space Telescope After 18 Months of Orbital Operations
PDFIterative Refinement Scheduling
PDFPlanning, Scheduling, and Control for Automatic Telescopes
PDFGlobal Planning of Several Plants
PDFSOCAP: Lessons Learned in Applying SIPE-2 to the Military Operations Crisis Action Planning Domain