Proceedings of the Fifteenth International Florida Artificial Intelligence Research Society Conference (FLAIRS 2002)
FLAIRS was founded in 1987 to promote and advance artificial intelligence research within the state of Florida, fostering interaction between researchers at colleges, universities, and industry. Since 1990, FLAIRS conferences have been broadened to include participants and papers from across North America and the world. This year's proceedings include interactive tutoring, machine learning, constraint satisfaction and theorem proving, robotics, genetic algorithms, agent architectures, automated reasoning, and natural language processing. The proceedings also features fourteen special tracks on artificial intelligence in educational information technology, spatiotemporal reasoning, semantic web, neural networks, machine learning, evaluation of intelligent systems, categorization and concept representation models and implications, imprecise and indeterminate probabilities in artificial intelligence, uncertain reasoning, integrated intelligent systems, knowledge management, case-based reasoning, artificial intelligence in aerospace, and behavioral characteristics and AI systems.