Intent Inference-Planner Interactions
PDFRequirements for Inferring the Intensions of Multitasking Reactive Agents
PDFTowards Incorporating Intent Inference into the Game of Go
PDFKnowledge Acquisition for Adversary Course of Action Prediction Models
PDFMultiagent Games, Competitive Models, and Game Tree Planning
PDFAdaptive Decision Models for Simulating Co-evolving Adversarial Behavior
PDFRevisiting Partial-Order Probabilistic Plannin
PDFMotivating the Imputation of Agent Cognition
PDFRecognizing Plan/Goal Abandonment
PDFEfficient Approximate Inference for Online Probabilistic Plan Recognition
PDFReasoning about Adversarial Intent in Asymmetric Situations
PDFInformation Density Functional Theory: A Quantum Approach to Intent
PDFPerspectives on the State of Modeling and Simulating Human Intent Inferencing
PDFFrom Whom, about What, and Reason Why: Capturing Public’s Perception using Natural Language Processing (NLP)
PDFCase-based Plan Recognition with Incomplete Plan Libraries
PDFIntent Recognition in Collaborative Interfaces