Impact of Roles on Participation and Task Performance
PDFSymposium Organizing Committee
PDFMaking Pedagogical Agents More Socially Intelligent
PDFEtiquette and Efficacy in Animated Pedagogical Agents: The Role of Stereotypes
PDFPolite Computing: Software that Respects the User
PDFWhen Etiquette Really Matters: Relational Agents and Behavior Change
PDFEtiquette within and between Large Human-Robot Teams
PDFEtiquette in Human Computer Interactions: What Does it Mean for a Computer to be Polite? Or Who Needs Polite Computers Anyway?
PDFA Framework for Designing Etiquette for Educational Technology
PDFDefinitions and Dimensions of Etiquette
PDFPersonal Data for Personal Use: Case Studies in User Modeling for Context-Aware Computing
PDFWorkshop Organization and Contents
PDFTrust in Computer Technology and the Implications for Design and Evaluatio
PDFUnderstanding and Decreasing Aversive Behavior in Online Social Contexts
PDFTraps, Pitfalls, Swindles, Lies, Doubts and Suspicions in Human-Computer Interaction: A Counter-Case for the Study of Good Etiquette
PDFContributing Authors
PDFTrust and Communication in Complex, Safety Critical Systems
PDFSpecifying Organizational Policies and Individual Preferences for Human-Software Interaction
PDFGood Computational Manners: Mixed-Initiative Dialog in Conversational Agents
PDFComputer Teammates: Should They Read Your Mind?
PDFCollective Mistrust of Alarms
PDFExperiences with Civility and the Role of a Social Contract in Virtual Communities: A Communitas Model