An Approach to a Knowledge Reconstruction Engine for Supporting Event Planning
PDFA Slinky Analogy for Panassociative Functions in a CHOP Model
PDFSoftware Requirements Elicited through Human-Centric Chance Discovery
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PDFFinding Meaning of Clusters
PDFPossibility Theory in the Management of Chance Discovery
PDFProgramming for Serendipity
PDFPAI: Automatic Indexing for Extracting Asserted Keywords from a Document
PDFManaging Risks in Development of Large and Complex Systems by Knowledge Recycling
PDFChance Discovery in Emergent Systems
PDFO(1) Detection of Chance Events, Real-Time Processing of High-Dimensional Streaming Data, and Datamining
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PDFWorkshop Organization and Contents
PDFA Scope of Chance Discovery
PDFFinding Chance in Multi-Lingual Translation Site
PDFCreative and Evaluative Processes in Conversations about Potential Events
PDFS-Conart: Concept Articulator for Shoppers