Intent Inference Techniques and Applications at MERL
PDFKnowledge is a Dangerous Thing: Collective Fluctuations in Pilot Intent
PDFAir Traffic Controller Team Intent Inference
PDFCoordinating Plans for Agents Performing AAW Hardkill and Softkill for Frigates
PDFMobile Valet: Enabling Collaboration between Remote Services, Mobile Users, and Task Locations
PDFToward Tailored Information Presentation in Support of Collaborative Planning
PDFThe Benefit of Structured Interfaces in Collaborative Communication
PDFPractical Applications of a Real Time, Dynamic Model of Intentions
PDFAbstract Hidden Markov Models for Online Probabilistic Plan Recognition
PDFNew Challenges in Multi-Agent Intention Recognition
PDFUser Acceptance and Plan Recognition: Why Even Perfect Intent Inferencing Might Not Be Good Enough
PDFMixed-Initiative Agent Team Formation, Tasking and Management
PDFEnhancing Crew Coordination with Intent Inference
PDFPartial Observability in Collaborative Task Tracking
PDFAutomatically Improving Team Cooperation by Applying Coordination Models
PDFRepresenting Communicative Intentions in Collaborative Conversational Agents