Althea: Recalled Process for Planning and Execution
PDFExecuting Decision-Theoretic Plans in Multi-Agent Environments
PDFDynamic Knowledge Integration During Plan Execution
PDFBeing Effective when Suspending Goals
PDFItem Descriptions Add Value to Plans
PDFUsing an Advice Language for Schedule Communication in a Flexible Manufacturing Automation Cell
PDFExecuting Team-Plans in Dynamic, Multi-Agent Domains
PDFWhy Planning Generation and Plan Execution Are Inseparable
PDFPlan Execution for Autonomous Spacecraft
PDFExecuting Plans in a Tank Battle Simulation
PDFPlanning with Dynamic Goals for Robot Execution
PDFPlan Execution in a Temporal Logic Environment
PDFESL: A Language for Supporting Robust Plan Execution in Embedded Autonomous Agents
PDFDetecting and Reacting to Unplanned-for World States
PDFBehavior-Based Planning
PDFEnabling Multiple Execution Agents
PDFContingency Selection in Plan Generation
PDFOperational Closed-loop Observation Scheduling and Execution
PDFRobust, Multi-layered Plan Execution and Revision for Operation of a Network of Communications Antennas
PDFUsing the Rap System to Simulate Human Error
PDFIPCA, an Architecture for Planning and Real-time Plan Execution
PDFAn Abstraction-Based Approach to Interleaving Planning and Execution in Partially-Observable Domains
PDFFurther Developments on Applying Generic Task Approaches to the Industrial Process Control Problem
PDFOpportunism Without Deliberation?
PDFPlan Execution in Mission-Critical Domains
PDFExecuting Structured Reactive Plans