Book One
Main Track
Conflict-Based Search for the Virtual Network Embedding Problem
PDFSimple Temporal Networks for Improvisational Teamwork
PDFSolving Simultaneous Target Assignment and Path Planning Efficiently with Time-Independent Execution
PDFConflict-Directed Diverse Planning for Logic-Geometric Programming
PDFThe Power of Reformulation: From Validation to Planning in PDDL+
PDFA Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Roaming Delivery Locations
PDFPlanning for Risk-Aversion and Expected Value in MDPs
PDFOptimising the Stability in Plan Repair via Compilation
PDFEuclidean Distance-Optimal Post-processing of Grid-Based Paths
PDFClassical Planning as QBF without Grounding
PDFImproving Time-Dependent Contraction Hierarchies
PDFNew Refinement Strategies for Cartesian Abstractions
PDFDebugging a Policy: Automatic Action-Policy Testing in AI Planning
PDFLearning to Estimate Search Progress Using Sequence of States
PDFNeural Network Action Policy Verification via Predicate Abstraction
PDFLoopless Top-K Planning
PDFLazy Rearrangement Planning in Confined Spaces
PDFA*pex: Efficient Approximate Multi-Objective Search on Graphs
PDFSolving Job-Shop Scheduling Problems with QUBO-Based Specialized Hardware
PDFUniform Machine Scheduling with Predictions
PDFBiased Exploration for Satisficing Heuristic Search
PDFOn Speeding Up Methods for Identifying Redundant Actions in Plans
PDFGeneralized Linear Integer Numeric Planning
PDFOn the Expressive Power of Planning Formalisms in Conjunction with LTL
PDFBeam Search: Faster and Monotonic
PDFLM-Cut Heuristics for Optimal Linear Numeric Planning
PDFIterative Depth-First Search for FOND Planning
PDFAdmissible Heuristics for Multi-Objective Planning
PDFBeyond Stars – Generalized Topologies for Decoupled Search
PDFAssignment and Prioritization of Tasks with Uncertain Durations for Satisfying Makespans in Decentralized Execution
PDFOn the Complexity of Heuristic Synthesis for Satisficing Classical Planning: Potential Heuristics and Beyond
PDFEncoding Lifted Classical Planning in Propositional Logic
PDFCompiling HTN Plan Verification Problems into HTN Planning Problems
PDFOptimal Mixed Strategies for Cost-Adversarial Planning Games
PDFMulti-Agent Path Finding with Temporal Jump Point Search
PDFA Compilation Based Approach to Finding Centroids and Minimum Covering States in Planning
PDFWho Needs These Operators Anyway: Top Quality Planning with Operator Subset Criteria
PDFPattern Selection Strategies for Pattern Databases in Probabilistic Planning
PDFCost Partitioning Heuristics for Stochastic Shortest Path Problems
PDFAn Exact Algorithm for the Linear Tape Scheduling Problem
PDFBest-First Width Search for Lifted Classical Planning
PDFMerge and Shrink Abstractions for Temporal Planning
PDFFlexible FOND HTN Planning: A Complexity Analysis
PDFCrossword Puzzle Resolution via Monte Carlo Tree Search
PDFDetecting Unsolvability Based on Separating Functions
PDFTask-Guided Inverse Reinforcement Learning under Partial Information
PDFLearning Sketches for Decomposing Planning Problems into Subproblems of Bounded Width
PDFEfficient Computation and Informative Estimation of h+ by Integer and Linear Programming
PDFOperator-Potentials in Symbolic Search: From Forward to Bi-directional Search
PDFIt Costs to Get Costs! A Heuristic-Based Scalable Goal Assignment Algorithm for Multi-Robot Systems
Industry and Applications Track
Deep Reinforcement Learning for a Multi-Objective Online Order Batching Problem
PDFOFFICERS: Operational Framework for Intelligent Crime-and-Emergency Response Scheduling
PDFReinforcement Learning Approach to Solve Dynamic Bi-objective Police Patrol Dispatching and Rescheduling Problem
PDFHyper-Heuristics for Personnel Scheduling Domains
PDFPlanning Satellite Swarm Measurements for Earth Science Models: Comparing Constraint Processing and MILP Methods
PDFTalking Trucks: Decentralized Collaborative Multi-Agent Order Scheduling for Self-Organizing Logistics
PDFBuilding Resource-Dependent Conditional Plans for an Earth Monitoring Satellite
PDFJoint Pricing and Matching for City-Scale Ride-Pooling
PDFRADAR-X: An Interactive Mixed Initiative Planning Interface Pairing Contrastive Explanations and Revised Plan Suggestions
PDFAnalyzing the Efficacy of Flexible Execution, Replanning, and Plan Optimization for a Planetary Lander
PDFStochastic Resource Optimization over Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks for Failure-Predictive Maintenance Scheduling
PDFAn End-to-End Automatic Cache Replacement Policy Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
Planning and Learning Track
Verifiable and Compositional Reinforcement Learning Systems
PDFLearning Multi-Agent Action Coordination via Electing First-Move Agent
PDFLearning General Optimal Policies with Graph Neural Networks: Expressive Power, Transparency, and Limits
PDFReinforcement Learning of Dispatching Strategies for Large-Scale Industrial Scheduling
PDFActive Grammatical Inference for Non-Markovian Planning
PDFMulti-Agent Tree Search with Dynamic Reward Shaping
PDFDOMA: Deep Smooth Trajectory Generation Learning for Real-Time UAV Motion Planning
PDFIs Policy Learning Overrated?: Width-Based Planning and Active Learning for Atari
PDFTuning the Hyperparameters of Anytime Planning: A Metareasoning Approach with Deep Reinforcement Learning
PDFDistributed Fleet Management in Noisy Environments via Model-Predictive Control
PDFInferring Probabilistic Reward Machines from Non-Markovian Reward Signals for Reinforcement Learning
PDFNeural Network Heuristic Functions for Classical Planning: Bootstrapping and Comparison to Other Methods
PDFReinforcement Learning for Classical Planning: Viewing Heuristics as Dense Reward Generators
PDFTempAMLSI: Temporal Action Model Learning Based on STRIPS Translation
PDFBeyond Value: CheckList for Testing Inferences in Planning-Based RL
Human-Aware Planning and Scheduling Track
A Network Flow Interpretation of Robust Goal Legibility in Path Finding
PDFActor-Focused Interactive Visualization for AI Planning
PDFEvaluating Plan-Property Dependencies: A Web-Based Platform and User Study
PDFConflict-Based Search for Explainable Multi-Agent Path Finding
PDFVizXP: A Visualization Framework for Conveying Explanations to Users in Model Reconciliation Problems
PDFExplaining Preference-Driven Schedules: The EXPRES Framework
PDFResolving Misconceptions about the Plans of Agents via Theory of Mind
PDFAnxiety-Sensitive Planning: From Formal Foundations to Algorithms and Applications