No. 7: AAAI-22 Technical Tracks 7
AAAI Technical Track on Machine Learning II
Interpretable Neural Subgraph Matching for Graph Retrieval
PDFFedSoft: Soft Clustered Federated Learning with Proximal Local Updating
PDFKnowledge Distillation via Constrained Variational Inference
PDFHypergraph Modeling via Spectral Embedding Connection: Hypergraph Cut, Weighted Kernel k-Means, and Heat Kernel
PDFReverse Differentiation via Predictive Coding
PDFVACA: Designing Variational Graph Autoencoders for Causal Queries
PDFVerification of Neural-Network Control Systems by Integrating Taylor Models and Zonotopes
PDFBlockwise Sequential Model Learning for Partially Observable Reinforcement Learning
PDFDeformable Graph Convolutional Networks
PDFSaliency Grafting: Innocuous Attribution-Guided Mixup with Calibrated Label Mixing
PDFGraph Transplant: Node Saliency-Guided Graph Mixup with Local Structure Preservation
PDFCC-CERT: A Probabilistic Approach to Certify General Robustness of Neural Networks
PDFCovered Information Disentanglement: Model Transparency via Unbiased Permutation Importance
PDFOn the Impossibility of Non-trivial Accuracy in Presence of Fairness Constraints
PDFSpiking Neural Networks with Improved Inherent Recurrence Dynamics for Sequential Learning
PDFHow Private Is Your RL Policy? An Inverse RL Based Analysis Framework
PDFDetecting Misclassification Errors in Neural Networks with a Gaussian Process Model
PDFDeepType 2: Superhuman Entity Linking, All You Need Is Type Interactions
PDFFederated Nearest Neighbor Classification with a Colony of Fruit-Flies
PDFI-SEA: Importance Sampling and Expected Alignment-Based Deep Distance Metric Learning for Time Series Analysis and Embedding
PDFSaving Stochastic Bandits from Poisoning Attacks via Limited Data Verification
PDFDISTREAL: Distributed Resource-Aware Learning in Heterogeneous Systems
PDFSublinear Time Approximation of Text Similarity Matrices
PDFDecision-Dependent Risk Minimization in Geometrically Decaying Dynamic Environments
PDFOn Causally Disentangled Representations
PDFConditional Loss and Deep Euler Scheme for Time Series Generation
PDFOffline Reinforcement Learning as Anti-exploration
PDFWhat Can We Learn Even from the Weakest? Learning Sketches for Programmatic Strategies
PDFTop-Down Deep Clustering with Multi-Generator GANs
PDFTemporal Knowledge Graph Completion Using Box Embeddings
PDFAn Evaluative Measure of Clustering Methods Incorporating Hyperparameter Sensitivity
PDFSimple Unsupervised Graph Representation Learning
PDFThe Role of Adaptive Optimizers for Honest Private Hyperparameter Selection
PDFLearning Bayesian Networks in the Presence of Structural Side Information
PDFPreemptive Image Robustification for Protecting Users against Man-in-the-Middle Adversarial Attacks
PDFProvable Guarantees for Understanding Out-of-Distribution Detection
PDFConstraint Sampling Reinforcement Learning: Incorporating Expertise for Faster Learning
PDFUnsupervised Reinforcement Learning in Multiple Environments
PDFIs Your Data Relevant?: Dynamic Selection of Relevant Data for Federated Learning
PDFA Dynamic Meta-Learning Model for Time-Sensitive Cold-Start Recommendations
PDFOut of Distribution Data Detection Using Dropout Bayesian Neural Networks
PDFControl-Oriented Model-Based Reinforcement Learning with Implicit Differentiation
PDFImproving Evidential Deep Learning via Multi-Task Learning
PDFClustering Approach to Solve Hierarchical Classification Problem Complexity
PDFRandom Tensor Theory for Tensor Decomposition
PDFBag Graph: Multiple Instance Learning Using Bayesian Graph Neural Networks
PDFCompeting Mutual Information Constraints with Stochastic Competition-Based Activations for Learning Diversified Representations
PDFTrusted Multi-View Deep Learning with Opinion Aggregation
PDFGraph Convolutional Networks with Dual Message Passing for Subgraph Isomorphism Counting and Matching
PDFDeep Graph Clustering via Dual Correlation Reduction
PDFOptimistic Initialization for Exploration in Continuous Control
PDFFast and Data Efficient Reinforcement Learning from Pixels via Non-parametric Value Approximation
PDFFrozen Pretrained Transformers as Universal Computation Engines
PDFAdapt to Environment Sudden Changes by Learning a Context Sensitive Policy
PDFBeyond Shared Subspace: A View-Specific Fusion for Multi-View Multi-Label Learning
PDFEfficient Continuous Control with Double Actors and Regularized Critics
PDFRecursive Reasoning Graph for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning
PDFSharp Restricted Isometry Property Bounds for Low-Rank Matrix Recovery Problems with Corrupted Measurements
PDFCross-Lingual Adversarial Domain Adaptation for Novice Programming
PDFHard to Forget: Poisoning Attacks on Certified Machine Unlearning
PDFExploring Safer Behaviors for Deep Reinforcement Learning
PDFfGOT: Graph Distances Based on Filters and Optimal Transport
PDFWhen AI Difficulty Is Easy: The Explanatory Power of Predicting IRT Difficulty
PDFBeing Friends Instead of Adversaries: Deep Networks Learn from Data Simplified by Other Networks
PDFAn Experimental Design Approach for Regret Minimization in Logistic Bandits
PDFCoordinate Descent on the Orthogonal Group for Recurrent Neural Network Training
PDFCuriosity-Driven Exploration via Latent Bayesian Surprise
PDFChunk Dynamic Updating for Group Lasso with ODEs
PDFPolicy Learning for Robust Markov Decision Process with a Mismatched Generative Model
PDFA Fully Single Loop Algorithm for Bilevel Optimization without Hessian Inverse
PDFA Hybrid Causal Structure Learning Algorithm for Mixed-Type Data
PDFSharp Analysis of Random Fourier Features in Classification
PDFZeroth-Order Optimization for Composite Problems with Functional Constraints
PDFRobust Graph-Based Multi-View Clustering
PDFConditional Local Convolution for Spatio-Temporal Meteorological Forecasting
PDFOn the Use of Unrealistic Predictions in Hundreds of Papers Evaluating Graph Representations
PDFDeep Unsupervised Hashing with Latent Semantic Components
PDFSCRIB: Set-Classifier with Class-Specific Risk Bounds for Blackbox Models
PDFRareGAN: Generating Samples for Rare Classes
PDFConjugated Discrete Distributions for Distributional Reinforcement Learning
PDFLifelong Hyper-Policy Optimization with Multiple Importance Sampling Regularization
PDFLearning Parameterized Task Structure for Generalization to Unseen Entities
PDFStationary Diffusion State Neural Estimation for Multiview Clustering
PDFDeep Amortized Relational Model with Group-Wise Hierarchical Generative Process
PDFLearn Goal-Conditioned Policy with Intrinsic Motivation for Deep Reinforcement Learning
PDFTransformer with Memory Replay
PDFEfficient One-Pass Multi-View Subspace Clustering with Consensus Anchors
PDFDeep Reinforcement Learning Policies Learn Shared Adversarial Features across MDPs
PDFFast Approximations for Job Shop Scheduling: A Lagrangian Dual Deep Learning Method
PDFLearning Robust Policy against Disturbance in Transition Dynamics via State-Conservative Policy Optimization
PDFGradient Based Activations for Accurate Bias-Free Learning
PDFTrustAL: Trustworthy Active Learning Using Knowledge Distillation
PDFTight Neural Network Verification via Semidefinite Relaxations and Linear Reformulations
PDFLearning Adversarial Markov Decision Processes with Delayed Feedback
PDFLearning Not to Learn: Nature versus Nurture In Silico
PDFOptimization for Classical Machine Learning Problems on the GPU
PDFInterpretable Clustering via Multi-Polytope Machines
PDFEpisodic Policy Gradient Training
PDFStability Verification in Stochastic Control Systems via Neural Network Supermartingales
PDFLearning Losses for Strategic Classification
PDFDifferentially Private Normalizing Flows for Synthetic Tabular Data Generation
PDFMulti-Head Modularization to Leverage Generalization Capability in Multi-Modal Networks
PDFFast and Efficient MMD-Based Fair PCA via Optimization over Stiefel Manifold
PDFAugmentation-Free Self-Supervised Learning on Graphs
PDFFast and Robust Online Inference with Stochastic Gradient Descent via Random Scaling
PDFDiverse, Global and Amortised Counterfactual Explanations for Uncertainty Estimates
PDFInvariant Information Bottleneck for Domain Generalization
PDFClassifying Emails into Human vs Machine Category
PDFSelf-Supervised Enhancement of Latent Discovery in GANs
PDFMultiple-Source Domain Adaptation via Coordinated Domain Encoders and Paired Classifiers
PDFInstance-Sensitive Algorithms for Pure Exploration in Multinomial Logit Bandit
PDFiDECODe: In-Distribution Equivariance for Conformal Out-of-Distribution Detection
PDFPartial Wasserstein Covering
PDFOptimal Tensor Transport
PDFDist2Cycle: A Simplicial Neural Network for Homology Localization
PDFSame State, Different Task: Continual Reinforcement Learning without Interference
PDFSpatial Frequency Bias in Convolutional Generative Adversarial Networks
PDFThe Effect of Manifold Entanglement and Intrinsic Dimensionality on Learning
PDFA Computable Definition of the Spectral Bias
PDFA Nested Bi-level Optimization Framework for Robust Few Shot Learning
PDFFast Monte-Carlo Approximation of the Attention Mechanism
PDFTowards a Rigorous Evaluation of Time-Series Anomaly Detection
PDFIntroducing Symmetries to Black Box Meta Reinforcement Learning
PDFDirected Graph Auto-Encoders
PDFHNO: High-Order Numerical Architecture for ODE-Inspired Deep Unfolding Networks