No. 5: Self-Tracking and Collective Intelligence for Personal Wellness
All Papers
Design Probes into Nutrigenomics: From Data to User Experiences
PDFA Study on Twitter Usage for Fitness Self-Reporting via Mobile Apps
PDFExploring Individual Care Plan for a Good Sleep
PDFDIYgenomics Crowdsourced Health Research Studies: Personal wellness and Preventive Medicine through Collective Intelligence
PDFCollective Views of the Workings and Significance of Experiences
PDFAge-Based Sleep Stage Estimation by Evolutionary Algorithm
PDFKnowledge Infrastructure for Knowledge Sharing among Patients, Doctors and Researchers
PDFTrackIt: A Team-Based Application for Health and Wellness Monitoring
PDFSelf-Tracking Mindfulness Incorporating a Personal Genome
PDFBrain Structure and Individual Differences in Social Behaviors
PDFFrequency-Based Sleep Stage Detections by Single EEG Derivation in Healthy Human Subjects
PDFPhone in the Pocket: Pervasive Self-Tracking of Physical Activity Levels
PDFMeditation Training and Neurofeedback Using a Personal EEG Device
PDFSelf-Tracking for Distinguishing Evidence-Based Protocols in Optimizing Human Performance and Treating Chronic Illness
PDFInfluenza Patients Are Invisible in the Web: Traditional Model Still Improves the State of the Art Web Based Influenza Surveillance
PDFSmartphone-Based Self Management System for Type-2 Diabetes Patients
PDFInvited Speaker and Special Presentation Abstracts