No. 4: Designing Intelligent Robots: Reintegrating AI II
All Papers
Learning to Fire at Targets by an iCub Humanoid Robot
PDFAn Integrated System for Learning Multi-Step Robotic Tasks from Unstructured Demonstrations
PDFIncremental Task-Level Reasoning in a Competitive Factory Automation Scenario
PDFDesigning Intelligent Wheelchairs: Reintegrating AI
PDFAn Ontology-based Multi-level Robot Architecture for Learning from Experiences
PDFCommunicating with Executable Action Representations
PDFIntegrating Visual Learning and Hierarchical Planning for Autonomy in Human-Robot Collaboration
PDFTelepresence Robots as a Research Platform for AI
PDFLearning for Mobile-Robot Error Recovery (Extended Abstract)
PDFIntegration of Visuomotor Learning, Cognitive Grasping and Sensor-Based Physical Interaction in the UJI Humanoid Torso
PDFConfiguration Planning with Multiple Dynamic Goals
PDFIntegrated Symbolic Planning in the Tidyup-Robot Project
PDFLessons Learnt from Developing the Embodied AI Platform CAESAR for Domestic Service Robotics
PDFBenchmarking Intelligent Service Robots through Scientific Competitions: The RoboCup@Home Approach