No. 4: Human Control of Bioinspired Swarms
All Papers
Controlling Swarms of Unmanned Vehicles through User-Centered Commands
PDFControllability Characterizations of Leader-Based Swarm Interactions
PDFOn Leadership and Influence in Human-Swarm Interaction
PDFAntBeePath: A Hybrid Bio-Inspired Algorithm for Path Determination
PDFDelegation Management Versus the Swarm: A Matchup with Two Winners
PDFRobotic Swarm Connectivity with Human Operation and Bandwidth Limitations
PDFTeam Oriented Plans and Robot Swarms
PDFHuman-Inspired Techniques for Human-Machine Team Planning
PDFApoptotic Stigmergic Agents for Real-Time Swarming Simulation
PDFInvestigating Neglect Benevolence and Communication Latency During Human-Swarm Interaction
PDFOrganizing Committee
PDFStudying Direct and Indirect Human Influence on Consensus in Swarms
PDFRobotic Swarms as Solids, Liquids and Gasses
PDFA Tactical Command Approach to Human Control of Vehicle Swarms