No. 4: AAAI-22 Technical Tracks 4
AAAI Technical Track on Constraint Satisfaction and Optimization
Two Compacted Models for Efficient Model-Based Diagnosis
PDFUsing MaxSAT for Efficient Explanations of Tree Ensembles
PDFTextHoaxer: Budgeted Hard-Label Adversarial Attacks on Text
PDFA Provably-Efficient Model-Free Algorithm for Infinite-Horizon Average-Reward Constrained Markov Decision Processes
PDFSample Average Approximation for Stochastic Optimization with Dependent Data: Performance Guarantees and Tractability
PDFEncoding Multi-Valued Decision Diagram Constraints as Binary Constraint Trees
PDFReal-Time Driver-Request Assignment in Ridesourcing
PDFA Variant of Concurrent Constraint Programming on GPU
PDFEfficient Vertex-Oriented Polytopic Projection for Web-Scale Applications
PDFThe SoftCumulative Constraint with Quadratic Penalty
PDFAnalysis of Pure Literal Elimination Rule for Non-uniform Random (MAX) k-SAT Problem with an Arbitrary Degree Distribution
PDFLearning to Search in Local Branching
PDFFinding Backdoors to Integer Programs: A Monte Carlo Tree Search Framework
PDFOptimizing Binary Decision Diagrams with MaxSAT for Classification
PDFComputing Diverse Shortest Paths Efficiently: A Theoretical and Experimental Study
PDFA Divide and Conquer Algorithm for Predict+Optimize with Non-convex Problems
PDFFaster Algorithms for Weak Backdoors
PDFEfficient Riemannian Meta-Optimization by Implicit Differentiation
PDFResolving Inconsistencies in Simple Temporal Problems: A Parameterized Approach
PDFA Lyapunov-Based Methodology for Constrained Optimization with Bandit Feedback
PDFThe Perils of Learning Before Optimizing
PDFUndercover Boolean Matrix Factorization with MaxSAT
PDFCertified Symmetry and Dominance Breaking for Combinatorial Optimisation
PDFGEQCA: Generic Qualitative Constraint Acquisition
PDFAchieving Zero Constraint Violation for Constrained Reinforcement Learning via Primal-Dual Approach
AAAI Technical Track on Data Mining and Knowledge Management
Defending Graph Convolutional Networks against Dynamic Graph Perturbations via Bayesian Self-Supervision
PDFDeepGPD: A Deep Learning Approach for Modeling Geospatio-Temporal Extreme Events
PDFSmartIdx: Reducing Communication Cost in Federated Learning by Exploiting the CNNs Structures
PDFOnline Enhanced Semantic Hashing: Towards Effective and Efficient Retrieval for Streaming Multi-Modal Data
PDFCoCoS: Enhancing Semi-supervised Learning on Graphs with Unlabeled Data via Contrastive Context Sharing
PDFEnsemble Semi-supervised Entity Alignment via Cycle-Teaching
PDFUnsupervised Adversarially Robust Representation Learning on Graphs
PDFBlindfolded Attackers Still Threatening: Strict Black-Box Adversarial Attacks on Graphs
PDFPolygonE: Modeling N-ary Relational Data as Gyro-Polygons in Hyperbolic Space
PDFCross-Task Knowledge Distillation in Multi-Task Recommendation
PDFMulti-Scale Distillation from Multiple Graph Neural Networks
PDFMind the Gap: Cross-Lingual Information Retrieval with Hierarchical Knowledge Enhancement
PDFAnisotropic Additive Quantization for Fast Inner Product Search
PDFRobust Heterogeneous Graph Neural Networks against Adversarial Attacks
PDFMulti-Dimensional Prediction of Guild Health in Online Games: A Stability-Aware Multi-Task Learning Approach
PDFMulti-View Intent Disentangle Graph Networks for Bundle Recommendation
PDFMulti-Type Urban Crime Prediction
PDFForecasting Asset Dependencies to Reduce Portfolio Risk
PDFSelf-Supervised Graph Neural Networks via Diverse and Interactive Message Passing
PDFGraph Structure Learning with Variational Information Bottleneck
PDFHeterogeneous Peer Effects in the Linear Threshold Model
PDFExploring Relational Semantics for Inductive Knowledge Graph Completion
PDFHAGEN: Homophily-Aware Graph Convolutional Recurrent Network for Crime Forecasting
PDFCalibrated Nonparametric Scan Statistics for Anomalous Pattern Detection in Graphs
PDFPowerful Graph Convolutional Networks with Adaptive Propagation Mechanism for Homophily and Heterophily
PDFShuttleNet: Position-Aware Fusion of Rally Progress and Player Styles for Stroke Forecasting in Badminton
PDFEvent-Aware Multimodal Mobility Nowcasting
PDFDiscovering Interpretable Data-to-Sequence Generators
PDFMS-HGAT: Memory-Enhanced Sequential Hypergraph Attention Network for Information Diffusion Prediction
PDFA Self-Supervised Mixed-Curvature Graph Neural Network
PDFMeta-Learning for Online Update of Recommender Systems
PDFThe Triangle-Densest-K-Subgraph Problem: Hardness, Lovász Extension, and Application to Document Summarization
PDFObtaining Calibrated Probabilities with Personalized Ranking Models
PDFDDG-DA: Data Distribution Generation for Predictable Concept Drift Adaptation
PDFUnsupervised Anomaly Detection by Robust Density Estimation
PDFFrom One to All: Learning to Match Heterogeneous and Partially Overlapped Graphs
PDFTLogic: Temporal Logical Rules for Explainable Link Forecasting on Temporal Knowledge Graphs
PDFTransferring the Contamination Factor between Anomaly Detection Domains by Shape Similarity
PDFUnifying Knowledge Base Completion with PU Learning to Mitigate the Observation Bias
PDFHow to Find a Good Explanation for Clustering?
PDFParameterized Approximation Algorithms for K-center Clustering and Variants
PDFRegularizing Graph Neural Networks via Consistency-Diversity Graph Augmentations
PDFTwo-Stage Octave Residual Network for End-to-End Image Compression
PDFDANets: Deep Abstract Networks for Tabular Data Classification and Regression
PDFFuzzy Logic Based Logical Query Answering on Knowledge Graphs
PDFTAG: Learning Timed Automata from Logs
PDFDifferentially Describing Groups of Graphs
PDFMolecular Contrastive Learning with Chemical Element Knowledge Graph
PDFHeterogeneity-Aware Twitter Bot Detection with Relational Graph Transformers
PDFSubspace Differential Privacy
PDFOrthogonal Graph Neural Networks
PDFLearning Temporal Point Processes for Efficient Retrieval of Continuous Time Event Sequences
PDFGNN-Retro: Retrosynthetic Planning with Graph Neural Networks
PDFBlock Modeling-Guided Graph Convolutional Neural Networks
PDFCATN: Cross Attentive Tree-Aware Network for Multivariate Time Series Forecasting
PDFFPAdaMetric: False-Positive-Aware Adaptive Metric Learning for Session-Based Recommendation
PDFSTDEN: Towards Physics-Guided Neural Networks for Traffic Flow Prediction
PDFNaming the Most Anomalous Cluster in Hilbert Space for Structures with Attribute Information
AAAI Technical Track on Domain(s) Of Application
Fully Adaptive Framework: Neural Computerized Adaptive Testing for Online Education
PDFConstrained Prescriptive Trees via Column Generation
PDFDDGCN: Dual Dynamic Graph Convolutional Networks for Rumor Detection on Social Media
PDFContact-Distil: Boosting Low Homologous Protein Contact Map Prediction by Self-Supervised Distillation
PDFEtinyNet: Extremely Tiny Network for TinyML
PDFRepBin: Constraint-Based Graph Representation Learning for Metagenomic Binning
PDFNSGZero: Efficiently Learning Non-exploitable Policy in Large-Scale Network Security Games with Neural Monte Carlo Tree Search
PDFRID-Noise: Towards Robust Inverse Design under Noisy Environments
PDFDeepfake Network Architecture Attribution
PDFZINB-Based Graph Embedding Autoencoder for Single-Cell RNA-Seq Interpretations
PDFDeepThermal: Combustion Optimization for Thermal Power Generating Units Using Offline Reinforcement Learning
PDFAlphaHoldem: High-Performance Artificial Intelligence for Heads-Up No-Limit Poker via End-to-End Reinforcement Learning
PDFHierarchical Multi-Supervision Multi-Interaction Graph Attention Network for Multi-Camera Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction
PDF6DCNN with Roto-Translational Convolution Filters for Volumetric Data Processing
PDFDeeply Tensor Compressed Transformers for End-to-End Object Detection
PDFDynamic Manifold Learning for Land Deformation Forecasting
PDFHyperverlet: A Symplectic Hypersolver for Hamiltonian Systems
PDFEMVLight: A Decentralized Reinforcement Learning Framework for Efficient Passage of Emergency Vehicles
PDFLearning Human Driving Behaviors with Sequential Causal Imitation Learning
PDFLearning and Dynamical Models for Sub-seasonal Climate Forecasting: Comparison and Collaboration
PDFNo Task Left Behind: Multi-Task Learning of Knowledge Tracing and Option Tracing for Better Student Assessment
PDFDiaformer: Automatic Diagnosis via Symptoms Sequence Generation
PDFZero-Shot Audio Source Separation through Query-Based Learning from Weakly-Labeled Data
PDFDeepHardMark: Towards Watermarking Neural Network Hardware
PDFA Unified Framework for Real Time Motion Completion
PDFFactorVAE: A Probabilistic Dynamic Factor Model Based on Variational Autoencoder for Predicting Cross-Sectional Stock Returns
PDFAXM-Net: Implicit Cross-Modal Feature Alignment for Person Re-identification
PDFSCIR-Net: Structured Color Image Representation Based 3D Object Detection Network from Point Clouds
PDFSolving PDE-Constrained Control Problems Using Operator Learning
PDFProxy Learning of Visual Concepts of Fine Art Paintings from Styles through Language Models
PDFSPATE-GAN: Improved Generative Modeling of Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Patterns with an Autoregressive Embedding Loss
PDFIntra-Inter Subject Self-Supervised Learning for Multivariate Cardiac Signals
PDFGeomGCL: Geometric Graph Contrastive Learning for Molecular Property Prediction
PDFOAM: An Option-Action Reinforcement Learning Framework for Universal Multi-Intersection Control
PDFEnd-to-End Line Drawing Vectorization
PDFContext-Aware Health Event Prediction via Transition Functions on Dynamic Disease Graphs
PDFCan Machines Read Coding Manuals Yet? – A Benchmark for Building Better Language Models for Code Understanding