All Papers
General Conference
Authorship Attribution Using Small Sets of Frequent Part-of-Speech Skip-grams
PDFIterated Abduction
PDFSemi-Unsupervised Clustering Using Reinforcement Learning
PDFSmarter Sharing Is Caring: Weighted Averaging in Decentralized Collective Transport with Obstacle Avoidance
PDFDiscovering Spatio-Temporal Relationships Among Activities in Videos Using a Relational Topic-Transition Model
PDFDOVETAIL — An Abstraction for Classical Planning Using a Visual Metaphor
PDFStudying Watson Inside Out — A Cognitive Systems Course
PDFART: An Availability-Aware Active Learning Framework for Data Streams
PDFCATCH: Injecting “Contextual and Timely Conversational Humor” into Lifelike Avatars
PDFTowards a Computational Model of Human Opinion Dynamics in Response to Real-World Events
PDFScalable Image Retrieval with Multimodal Fusion
PDFPollen Recognition Using Multi-Layer Feature Decomposition
PDFCreating a New Angry Birds Competition Track
PDFDomain Modeling for Planning as Logic Programming
PDFRanking Summaries for Informativeness and Coherence without Reference Summaries
PDFArtificial Intelligence Testing
PDFA Scalable Unsupervised Deep Multimodal Learning System
PDFCreation of a Student Research Environment in Artificial Intelligence with Industrial Involvement
PDFOn Modeling the Interplay Between Opinion Change and Formation
PDFManipulation of Second-Order Copeland Elections: Heuristic and Experiment
PDFTowards Real Time Detection of Learners’ Need of Help in Serious Games
PDFBuilding User Interest Profiles Using DBpedia in a Question Answering System
PDFCoordinated Target Assignment and Route Planning for Air Team Mission Planning
PDFBayesian Network-Based Extension for PGP — Estimating Petition Support
PDFLeveraging Dependency Regularization for Event Extraction
PDFHash Functions for Episodic Recognition and Retrieval
PDFNeighbourhood SAC for Constraint Satisfaction Problems with Non-Binary Constraints
PDFHoping for the Truth — A Survey of the TPTP Logics
PDFToward Designing a Realistic Conversational System: A Survey
Special Track: Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Business and Industry
Comparative Methods and Analysis for Creating High-Quality Question Sets from Crowdsourced Data
PDFA Dynamic Bayesian Network for Diagnosing Nuclear Power Plant Accidents
PDFUsing L-Systems to Generate Fault Trees for Benchmarking and Testing
PDFAssessing Supply Chain Robustness Through Stress Testing
PDFPrioritization of Risky Chats for Intent Classifier Improvement
Special Track: Applied Natural Language Processing
Event Nugget Detection and Argument Extraction with DISCERN
PDFIdentifying Thesis Statements in Student Essays: The Class Imbalance Challenge and Resolution
PDFStructural Sentence Similarity Estimation for Short Texts
PDFMaximizing Appropriate Responses Returned by a Conversational Agent through the Use of a Genetic Algorithm for Feature Selection
PDFSupervised Speech Act Classification of Messages in German Online Discussions
PDFAutomatic Classification of Poetry by Meter and Rhyme
PDFTowards Detecting Intra- and Inter-Sentential Negation Scope and Focus in Dialogue
PDFSemisupervised Text Classification Using Unsupervised Topic Information
PDFHandling Missing Words by Mapping Across Word Vector Representations
PDFDetermining the Quality of a Student Reflective Response
PDFVector Based Techniques for Short Answer Grading
Special Track: Artificial Intelligence and Cyber Security
Evaluating Methods for Distinguishing Between Human-Readable Text and Garbled Text
PDFMeaning-Based Machine Learning for Information Assurance
PDFSuspiciously Structured Entropy: Wavelet Decomposition of Software Entropy Reveals Symptoms of Malware in the Energy Spectrum
PDFSecurity Risk Aggregation Based on Neural Networks — An Empirically Validated Approach
PDFRUDY Attack: Detection at the Network Level and Its Important Features
PDFData Authenticity and Integrity in Wireless Sensor Networks Based on a Watermarking Approach
PDFAn Evolutionary Trace Algorithm for Constructing Malware Lineages
Special Track: Artificial Intelligence for Big Data
Term Ranker: A Graph-Based Re-Ranking Approach
PDFReducing Feature Set Explosion to Facilitate Real-World Review Spam Detection
PDFEnhancing Ensemble Learners with Data Sampling on High-Dimensional Imbalanced Tweet Sentiment Data
PDFSentiment Classification Using Negation as a Proxy for Negative Sentiment
PDFGECKA3D: A 3D Game Engine for Commonsense Knowledge Acquisition
Special Track: Artificial Intelligence in Games, Serious Games, and Multimedia
Go-Ahead: Improving Prior Knowledge Heuristics by Using Information Retrieved From Play Out Simulations.
PDFNeural Networks Learning the Concept of Influence in Go
PDFSupporting Social Skills Rehabilitation with Virtual Storytelling
PDFThe Believability Gene in Virtual Bots
PDFDynamic Difficulty Adjustment in Tetris
Special Track: Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Informatics
Special Track: Autonomous Robots and Agents
Building Redundancy in Multi-Agent Systems Using Probabilistic Selection
PDFControlling the Movement of Robotic Bodyguards for Maximal Physical Protection
PDFReward from Demonstration in Interactive Reinforcement Learning
PDFSelecting Vantage Points for an Autonomous Quadcopter Videographer
PDFTrajectory Adaptation of Robot Arms for Head-Pose Dependent Assistive Tasks
PDFFeasibility Study of Multi-Agent Simulation at the Cellular Level with FLAME GPU
PDFMulti-Agent Area Coverage Control Using Reinforcement Learning
PDFLearning Continuous State/Action Models for Humanoid Robots
PDFMultiagent-Based Simulation of the Human Immune System: A Study of the Immune Response and Antimicrobial Therapy in Post-streptococcal Glomerulonephritis
Special Track: Case-Based Reasoning
Special Track: Data Mining
Adaptive Sampling and Learning for Unsupervised Outlier Detection
PDFLearning Decision Trees from Histogram Data Using Multiple Subsets of Bins
PDFGPU-Accelerated Parameter Optimization for Classification Rule Learning
PDFParallelizing Instance-Based Data Classifiers
PDFGlobal Discriminant Analysis for Unsupervised Feature Selection with Local Structure Preservation
PDFPropositionalization for Unsupervised Outlier Detection in Multi-Relational Data
Special Track: Intelligent Learning Technologies
Dimension Extraction Analysis of Student Performance on Problems
PDFImplementation Factors and Outcomes for Intelligent Tutoring Systems: A Case Study of Time and Efficiency with Cognitive Tutor Algebra
PDFDesigning an Authorable Scenario Representation for Instructor Control over Computationally Tailored Narrative in Training
PDFLearning Approaches in a 3D Virtual Environment for Learning Energy Generation from Renewable Sources
PDFSmart Learning: Time-Dependent Context-Aware Learning Object Recommendations
PDFIntelligent Context-Aware Augmented Reality to Teach Students with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
PDFImproving Argument Mining in Student Essays by Learning and Exploiting Argument Indicators versus Essay Topics
PDFDesigning a Personal Assistant for Life-Long Learning (PAL3)
Special Track: Knowledge-Based AI
Special Track: Natural Language Processing of Ancient Languages
Special Track: Recommender Systems
Incorporating Diversity in a Learning to Rank Recommender System
PDFOn the Use of Opinionated Explanations to Rank and Justify Recommendations
PDFNuking Item-Based Collaborative Recommenders with Power Items and Multiple Targets
PDFMeta-Path Selection for Extended Multi-Relational Matrix Factorization
PDFPreference-Aware POI Recommendation with Temporal and Spatial Influence
Special Track: Semantic, Logics, Information Extraction and AI
Special Track: Social Media Analytics
Exploiting Crowd-Based Labels for Domain Focused Information Retrieval
PDFComparing Approaches for Combining Data Sampling and Feature Selection to Address Key Data Quality Issues in Tweet Sentiment Analysis
PDFNecessity of Feature Selection when Augmenting Tweet Sentiment Feature Spaces with Emoticons
Special Track: Uncertain Reasoning
Negated Min-Based Possibilistic Networks
PDFCausal Probabilistic Graphical Models for Decoding Effective Connectivity in Functional Near InfraRed Spectroscopy
PDFPropositional Probabilistic Reasoning at Maximum Entropy Modulo Theories
PDFCauses for Query Answers from Databases, Datalog Abduction and View-Updates: The Presence of Integrity Constraints
PDFBayesian Networks with Conditional Truncated Densities
PDFMinimal Tolerance Pairs for System Z-Like Ranking Functions for First-Order Conditional Knowledge Bases
PDFA Formal Model of Plausibility Monitoring in Language Comprehension
PDFDialectical Characterization of Consistent Query Explanation with Existential Rules
PDFA Collective Defence Against Grouped Attacks for Weighted Abstract Argumentation Frameworks
PDFMultiplicative Factorization of Multi-Valued NIN-AND Tree Models
PDFA Noisy-OR Model for Continuous Time Bayesian Networks
PDFBayesian Network Inference with Simple Propagation
PDFTesting Independencies in Bayesian Networks with i-Separation