All Papers
General Conference
Invited Talks
PDFConference Committees
PDFFlorida AI Research Society
PDFEvolving Kernel Functions with Particle Swarms and Genetic Programming
PDFReal-Time Filtering for Pulsing Public Opinion in Social Media
PDFSocial Influence Modeling for Utility Functions in Model Predictive Control
PDFIterative-Expansion A*
PDFModeling the Interaction Between Mixed Teams of Humans and Robots and Local Population for a Market Patrol Task
PDFForecasting Conflicts Using N-Grams Models
PDFAIRS: Anytime Iterative Refinement of a Solution
PDFA Heuristic for Hybrid Planning with Preferences
PDFInstructing a Reinforcement Learner
PDFSearching for Better Performance on the King-Rook-King Chess Endgame Problem
PDFSymbol Generation and Grounding for Reinforcement Learning Agents Using Affordances and Dictionary Compression
PDFA Pruning Based Approach for Scalable Entity Coreference
PDFRobustness and Accuracy Tradeoffs for Recommender Systems Under Attack
PDFSemantic Analysis of English Specification of OCL
PDFQuestion Answering in Natural Language Narratives Using Symbolic Probabilistic Reasoning
PDFInteger Sparse Distributed Memory
PDFReformulating Planning Problems: A Theoretical Point of View
PDFAnt Hunt: Towards a Validated Model of Live Ant Hunting Behavior
PDFIterative Ontology Selection Guided by User for Building Domain Ontologies
PDFEmpirical Study of Dimensional and Categorical Emotion Descriptors in Emotional Speech Perception
PDFArc Consistency for CP-Nets under Constraints
PDFMaritime Threat Detection Using Probabilistic Graphical Models
PDFA Knowledge-Migration-Based Multi-Population Cultural Algorithm to Solve Job Shop Scheduling
PDFEfficiency Improvements for Parallel Subgraph Miners
Affective Computing
Building an On-Demand Avatar-Based Health Intervention for Behavior Change
PDFSpecial Track on Affective Computing
PDFFrom Joyous to Clinically Depressed: Mood Detection Using Spontaneous Speech
PDFVirtual Facework Trainer: Use of Offendable Bots for Learning Cross-Cultural (Im)Politeness
PDFEmotion Expression 3-D Synthesis From Predicted Emotion Magnitudes
PDFInvestigating the Robustness of Teager Energy Cepstrum Coefficients for Emotion Recognition in Noisy Conditions
PDFEmotion Oriented Programming: Computational Abstractions for AI Problem Solving
PDFDecision Making Based on Somatic Markers
PDFConstructing a Personality-Annotated Corpus for Educational Game based on Leary’s Rose Framework
Applied Natural Language Processing
Special Track on Applied Natural Language Processing
PDFThe Devil Is in the Details: New Directions in Deception Analysis
PDFFinding Associations between People
PDFProper Noun Semantic Clustering Using Bag-of-Vectors
PDFSenticNet 2: A Semantic and Affective Resource for Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis
PDFAutomatic Coherence Profile in Public Speeches of Three Latin American Heads-of-State
PDFAddressing Semantic Ambiguities in Natural Language Constraints
PDFA Linguistic Analysis of Expert-Generated Paraphrases
PDFIdentifying Personality Types Using Document Classification Methods
PDFMeasuring Semantic Similarity in Short Texts through Greedy Pairing and Word Semantics
PDFArabic Cross-Document NLP for the Hadith and Biography Literature
PDFAn Eigenvalue-Based Measure for Word-Sense Disambiguation
PDFA Comparative Study on English and Chinese Word Uses with LIWC
PDFStory-Level Inference and Gap Filling to Improve Machine Reading
PDFSyntagmatic, Paradigmatic, and Automatic N-Gram Approaches to Assessing Essay Quality
PDFApplying Kernel Methods to Argumentation Mining
AI, Cognitive Semantics
Lexical Meanings Analysed by Means of Typed Applicative Representations
PDFSpecial Track on Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Semantics, Computational Linguistics, and Logic
PDFPropositional Attitudes in Non-Compositional Logic
PDFSpeech Acts, Dialogues and the Common Ground
PDFThe Analysis and Synthesis of Logic Translation
PDFEnhancing Publication Description with Resources Metadata
PDFStudying Formal Properties of a Free Word Order Language
AI Education
Case-Based Reasoning
Special Track on Case-Based Reasoning
PDFCustomizing Question Selection in Conversational Case-Based Reasoning
PDFCase-Based Learning by Observation in Robotics Using a Dynamic Case Representation
PDFToward a Knowledge Transfer Model of Case-Based Inference
PDFInteractivity and Multimedia in Case-Based Recommendation
PDFCase Acquisition Strategies for Case-Based Reasoning in Real-Time Strategy Games
Cognition and AI
Special Track on Cognition and Artificial Intelligence: Comparing Human Capability and Experience with Today’s Computer Models
PDFA Formal Bi-Logic Framework for the Mental Processes
PDFAn Approach to Evaluate AI Commonsense Reasoning Systems
PDFRule Based Event Management Systems
PDFGestural Control of Household Appliances for the Physically Impaired
PDFLearning Artifact Capabilities Via a Hybrid Ontology
Data Mining
Special Track on Data Mining
PDFClassifying Scientific Performance on a Metric-by-Metric Basis
PDFQuantitative Comparison of Linear and Non-linear Dimensionality Reduction Techniques for Solar Image Archives
PDFAutomated Weather Sensor Quality Control
PDFUsing Frequent Pattern Mining To Identify Behaviors In A Naked Mole Rat Colony
PDFGraph-Based Anomaly Detection Applied to Homeland Security Cargo Screening
Games and Entertainment
Intelligent Tutoring Systems
Tutor Modeling Versus Student Modeling
PDFSpecial Track on Intelligent Tutoring Systems
PDFRecognizing Effective and Student-Adaptive Tutor Moves in Task-Oriented Tutorial Dialogue
PDFMining Data from Project LISTEN’s Reading Tutor to Analyze Development of Children’s Oral Reading Prosody
PDFEvaluating and Improving Real-Time Tracking of Children’s Oral Reading
PDFInteractive Concept Maps and Learning Outcomes in Guru
PDFEvaluating ConceptGrid: An Authoring System for Natural Language Responses
PDFAnalyzing Posture and Affect in Task-Oriented Tutoring
PDFTowards Data Driven Model Improvement
PDFA Comparison of Gains between Educational Games and a Traditional ITS
PDFMalleability of Students’ Perceptions of an Affect-Sensitive Tutor and Its Influence on Learning
PDFTeaching UML Skills to Novice Programmers Using a Sample Solution Based Intelligent Tutoring System
PDFSAMHT — Suicidal Avatars for Mental Health Training
PDFDeveloping Pedagogically-Guided Threshold Algorithms for Intelligent Automated Essay Feedback
Robotics and Human Robot Interaction
Special Track on Robotics and Human-Robot Interaction
PDFRobot Localization Using Overhead Camera and LEDs
PDFWii Nunchuk Controlled Dance Pleo! Dance! to Assist Children with Cerebral Palsy by Play Therapy
PDFR-One Swarm Robot: Developing the Accelerometer and Gyroscope
PDFSmall Scale Manipulation with the Calliope Robot
PDFUsing Robotics to Achieve Meaningful Research Skills in Robotics
PDFGraphical Display of Search Trees for Transparent Robot Programming
PDFLeg Design for a Praying Mantis Robot
PDFAdaptive Obstacle Representations for Dynamical Navigation
PDFSnackbot: The Process to Engage in Human-Robot Conversation
Uncertain Reasoning
Special Track on Uncertain Reasoning
PDFAsymptotic Maximum Entropy Principle for Utility Elicitation under High Uncertainty and Partial Information
PDFA Postulate-Based Analysis of Comparative Preference Statements
PDFFocused Grounding for Markov Logic Networks
PDFA Model-Theoretic Semantics for Two-Sided Argumentation
PDFConditional Objects Revisited: Variants and Model Translations
PDFTowards a General Framework for Maximum Entropy Reasoning
PDFOn the Complexity of Bribery and Manipulation in Tournaments with Uncertain Information